Investments. Events of the week (№ 9)

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Investments. Events of the week (№ 9)

News of the world of financeNews of the world of finance

Energy crises in the markets continue. Gas from storage facilities began to be used in Europe. In this case, the storages are filled only for 78 Percent, which was the worst indicator in the last five years. Insufficient flow and downtime of Nord Stream - 2 gas does not allow filling the storage. As a result, gas prices are creeping up again.

At the same time, there is a shortage of electricity in China amid rising oil prices., gas and coal, which are needed to generate. Chinese authorities restrict the supply of electricity to industrial facilities, which in the future will lead to interruptions in the supply of Chinese products, and will also increase prices, for example, on clothes. To fight the crisis, China is actively increasing imports of electricity from Russia, in particular from Inter RAO. Plans to increase supplies by 100% in 2021 G.

Against this background, Brent quotes are not lagging behind., which exceeded 85$ this week - another high for 3 of the year. Demand is growing, energy is not enough, vaults are not full, and OPEC does not increase production. We see the result on the graphs.. Analysts are already predicting oil on 100$ soon, for example, Bank of America. Main, so that later prices do not become negative again as in 2020 year, because such slides are more like a not healthy market, and the global casino game.

Moscow Exchange plans 6 December, start morning trading on the stock market. Bidding will not start at 10:00 Moscow time, like now, and in 7:00 Moscow time. After the start of the morning session, trading on the stock market will last 17 hours. It is very convenient for residents of the Far East, and also for those, who submits an application in the morning for the whole day.

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Finally, speculative news. Virgin Galactic shares plummet 17% for news about the postponement of flights for a year. Commencement of commercial flights will be delayed until the fourth quarter 2022 of the year. Now the shares are standing 20$, although six months ago, purely on the hype, the shares cost almost 60$. I am skeptical about this project, nevertheless, flying on an airplane at high altitude is not a spacewalk. But don't mind, if stocks decline to their average lows in 10-15$, to ride the hype at the end 2022 G.

In general, world news is positive for the Russian market, who benefits from rising raw material prices. Therefore, this week the Moscow Exchange index rose by 0,56%, my portfolio has almost doubled - by 0,95%. Below we will consider the shares, due to which it happened. Generally, share price during the period IIS has grown by more than 200 thousand rubles., what gives profitability 85,32% against the yield of the Moscow Exchange index in 53,22%. In turn, the profitability, taking into account dividends, almost reached 100% and is 99,87%. Here I do not mean the average annual return., and portfolio growth over time.

Consider this week's up and down leaders among stocks. The champion this time is Raspadskaya (+16,6%), which grew on an excellent report and on the rise in coal prices. Net profit for 9 months under RAS grew by almost 55 times and made 43 billion. rub. New div. politics, provides for the payment 100% free cash flow, if Net Debt / EBITDA is less than 1.0x. Investors expect fat dividends.

The Moscow Exchange is also growing (+6%), probably, by introducing the morning session, which will increase commission fees. Oil and gas companies are also in positive territory due to the rise in oil prices and the reversal of gas prices towards growth. Good dynamics at Inter RAO on the news of an increase in electricity supplies to China.

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Metallurgists are in the red, but here is more speculative history, because. grow already, I guess, nowhere, prices are already very high and in many respects they depend on the situation in the metallurgical industry, and not from the companies themselves. Aeroflot shares decline slightly, who is dependent on the situation with a sensational disease 2020 of the year, which flares up again judging by the statistics. Finally, X5 stocks are down, although the total sales of the X5 Group for 9 months grew by 10%, judging by the released operational report, well, the cheaper the shares, all the better.

This is how this week ended in investment and, generally, she was positive. Write your opinion about the events of the past week and do not forget to like the article!

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