Investments. Events of the week (№6)

Hello! The week has come to an end, so it's time to take stock, recall events in the stock markets and analyze portfolios. About all this today in #IISLike post!

Investments. Events of the week (№6)

Investment news

The week started with a strong fall in the markets. The Moscow Exchange index on Monday fell by 1,64%. A similar drop occurred in almost all markets in the world.. The main concern among investors was the possible bankruptcy of China's largest construction company - Evergrande. Many analysts compare the possible collapse of Evergrande to the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers in 2008 year, because the company is very large, and her debt is astronomical 300 billion. Doll. A default in this case can cause a chain of bankruptcies of other related companies..

Despite the pessimistic sentiment, the markets gained a symbolic plus by the end of the week. Moscow Exchange Index rose, if I may say so, on 0,08%. The fact, what the Evergrande Group said on Wednesday, what will produce 23 September payment of coupons on its domestic bonds, which gave some relief to the market, who began to fear, that a company's default could affect the entire global financial system. And indeed, it was on Wednesday that the main growth of the markets fell, but debts don't end there, therefore, the risk of bankruptcy of Evergrande still remains.

Government and business have agreed to raise taxes for metallurgists and mining companies c 2022 of the year, they will be attached to 3 of the year. Initially, the key point of the negotiations was the increase in income tax from 20% to 25-30% based on the volume of paid dividends for the last 5 years, however, it was decided to postpone this issue until 2023 of the year. Also, as a result of negotiations, we agreed on the binding of MET to market quotations for some types of solid minerals. It will be fun, if stagnation begins in the metallurgical industry next year. So mercilessly raise taxes, as if there will be eternal growth in the industry, but as practice shows, there is no eternal growth.

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Moscow Exchange will launch morning trading on the stock market 6 December, the director of the department said on Tuesday. Now you can trade in the morning, afternoon and evening, so that newly minted traders squander even more money in the market. It remains to start trading 24/7, to maximize dependence on the market. For me, day and evening trades are quite sufficient for investment..

On Wednesday there was a decision on the interest rate FED. Certainly, the rate was left unchanged and the next increase can only be 2022 year. Also, the US Federal Reserve plans to continue buying assets from $120 billion per month, ie. continue to support stock markets. Why? Unclear.

On Wednesday, the United States announced plans to tighten sanctions against the Russian national debt. The current ban on the purchase of new government bonds of Russia is proposed to be extended to the secondary market. This means, that it will be more difficult for foreigners to buy Russian OFZs. Against this background, the yield of Russian OFZs increased by insignificant 0,13%, this indicates the limited impact of the sanctions on the market.

Finally, Brent oil peaked in 3 years this week. Still dumb and will be maximum with 2014 of the year. All due to the current restrictions on production by OPEC and the continuing growth in demand for petroleum products in the world. Oil companies feel more than comfortable in such conditions..

By the end of the week, like I said, Moscow Exchange index added symbolic 0,08%. My portfolio sank again, this time on 0,36%. Next, we will analyze, due to what shares it happened. But in general,, outperformance of the index in terms of profitability remains high.

If you analyze the portfolio by shares, then the leaders, certainly, are oilmen on the rise in oil prices. Rosneft stands out (+7,2%) - stocks have reached all-time highs on the possible opening of access to Nord Stream - 2 and pumping your gas through it.

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Among falling shares of metallurgists due to the official introduction of new taxes, which are discussed above. Alrosa also declines with them. (-3,2%) with Raspadskaya (-4,2%), because. new taxes affect their.

NKNK shares fell the most this week (-7,1%) due to a possible change in the dividend policy according to the statements of the representative of Sibur. Dividend, probably, will be 50% profit under IFRS, instead of 70% according to RAS, like now. Also, probably, there will be no repurchase of shares from minority shareholders, although many counted on it, in connection with which there was a strong growth in shares on the news of the merger of Sibur and TAIF. In the short term, stocks may decline, but in the long term everything looks very positive.

As a result, my portfolio turned out to be much worse than the index this week due to the decline in KNNK shares, Alrosa and Raspadskaya. But there is nothing wrong with that, because. the difference between portfolio and index results is insignificant.

What about your investments this week?? What's growing, what falls? Write in the comments, Discuss. Don't forget to like the post. And also I have individual investment advice for those, who needs support in this regard. Write to direct for writing.

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