Investments. Events of the week (№ 11)

greetings to all! An investment week full of news and events has passed. It's time to remember the main thing and analyze stock portfolios.

Investments. Events of the week (№ 11)

Finance Exchange News

Straightaway 4 Russian companies plan to IPO in the near future. This is Delimobil, CYANOGEN, Softline and Mercury Retail Group (network "Krasnoe" & Beloe"). I analyzed Delimobil and CIAN in detail.. Delimobil has a great growth rate, shares will be sold at the average market price for such companies. While maintaining the growth rate, can be a good investment for the future. But CYAN was estimated somewhat cheaper., than previously assumed. However, the reporting is not so impressive., although significant growth is noticeable.

There were a lot of reports this week and most of them are positive.. X5 Retail Group, VTB, Magnet, Moscow Exchange, Novatek, Sberbank, Enel, Yandex. Very strong growth rates in revenue shows Yandex. In connection with the growth of rates, banks increase profits and go to records on the results 2021 G. Retailers are growing on 15-25% by indicators. All in all, in the conditions of wild inflation everything is growing, except for salaries of the population, of course.

Social promotions. networks fell this week due to Apple's privacy policy, in which users will be allowed to opt out of targeted advertising, which will reduce the advertising revenues of companies such as Twitter, Snap, Facebook. However, Facebook shares rebounded on Friday after Zuckerberg's decision to rename the company meta.. Jetty, we are not only social. net, we – metaverse with many projects up to crypto technologies.

Continuing the theme of technology, it is worth mentioning Tesla, which became 6 a company in the world with a capitalization in 1 trillion. Doll. On Friday, Tesla securities updated the historical maximum, rising to the level $1100 for paper. The company received the largest order for electric vehicles — 100 thousand. cars — from the car rental service Hertz. Such growth and the cost of securities say that, that investors are sure, what is Tesla's future?.

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About mundane topics. Gas prices in Europe, finally, began to fall and decreased to $850 per thousand. cube. m. after that, how the President of Russia instructed Gazprom to start pumping gas into European storage facilities after that, how to 8 Russian storage facilities to be filled in November. Shares of Gazprom and Novatek, obviously, are reduced on this news to more adequate prices.

In the dry residue we have a decrease in our index of MosBirzha on 1,12% at the end of this week despite the good reports of many companies. How often it happens, on good reports investors, vice versa, fix profits, a plus, oil and gas companies are falling, which occupy a large share of our market. My portfolio is down by 1,76% and below we will analyze because of what shares it happened.

Obviously, that this week could not grow gas companies Gazprom (-2,3%) and Novatek (-2,1%) in the context of lower gas prices and stabilization of the situation in Europe. Such a decrease can be assessed positively, because. a bubble was forming in the market, which is now slowly being blown away.

Generally, the entire oil market is falling after the gas market. Oil reserves in US storage facilities are quite substantial and do not cause alarm, as in the gas market. So the oil companies are underdogs this week., except Lukoil.

Raspadskaya's shares are also declining (-4%) due to the rapid decline in coal prices on world markets. By the way, most of the world's goods, At last, start to get cheaper: coal, gas, aluminum. There is hope, decline will continue, which will have a restraining effect on inflation.

In the leaders of the growth of the shares of Children's World (+1,7%). Investors have forgotten about this company since last year, and stocks are still at local lows. I take advantage of this moment and buy these stocks in my portfolio.. One of my favorites lately due to the growth of indicators, investment strategies and cheap stocks.

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Generally, close the week, and with it October on a minor note, which should not upset investors, because. at the end of October, the market was still in the black.

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