Interviews with celebrities in business and just successful people.

Today we will start with a very interesting and useful one. video, which will help to develop in oneself “monetary” (as i call it) thinking and generally endure a lot of usefulness for yourself.

First of all, I will give links to several interesting programs from the series “Philosophy of money”. Interviews with celebrities in business and just successful people. Recommend for viewing. Links lead mainly to the resource ( in the past) and to other sites.

Evgeny Kaspersky – philosophy of money. (234 mb, full description and screenshots on the link) I think this person needs no introduction, but few people saw him alive and few people know how he built his business. Here are the answers to many questions., that could arise from any person interested in business.

Joe Vitale – philosophy of money (1.5 GB, description and screenshots on the link)
Joe Vitale – one of the brightest examples of a successful and wealthy person, who rose from the bottom. Enormous popularity was brought to him by him Books, which set you up for positive thinking and work on yourself, as well as the film “Secret”, which if you haven't watched – I advise you to take a look. There is nothing supernatural, how he is drawn, but for general development it will definitely not hurt you.

It will also be very useful for you to watch at least a few video seminars by Yuri Moroz. If you don't know who he is – bearded dude, who kicks everyone in the ass and makes you do business. This is if for a simple. But in general – very interesting to listen to and see, but let's say so – for beginners and those, who is not engaged in any business yet, but plans to do it and thinks about it.
Collection of seminars by Yuri Moroz “How to start your own business”? (8.54 gb, follow the link for a full description and screenshots).

  Movie Liar, Great and Terrible

Collection of business trainings by Natalia Grace (1.24 gb, 5 trainings).
Natalia Grace – very playful aunt, who has written dozens of books on business. Says sensible things, I recommend.

The money. How to earn, accumulate and get rich? (682 mb, links to file hosting)

This film in a form understandable to any person tells about wealth, financial independence, gives an idea of ​​investment and savings, about how to make money, how to increase and subsequently invest.
With this film we will finish today's selection. – sure, You've had enough for now, unless of course you are not too lazy to watch;)

P.S. The article and the selection are not mine, the original is below the link


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