Found a new one (toca gave birth) resource, by lightweight fixing of your trades, прогнозов and other huergi… 
Cool idea of ​​ratings.. like you can vote, did not like the idea..

All in all, usable IMHO

I personally asked the admin, what would he describe in more detail how there regatso and all that… Info under the cut: – exchange of trading ideas between traders. Anyone can register and write on the site. What would be
a member of the FinTraders website, you must follow the concept of writing posts, namely, to be as informative as possible
(automatic post limitation on 100 words). The post indicates the name of the trading idea, ticker торгуемого инструмента,
chart / picture and explain the reasons for buying or selling at the specified price.

We wanted to simplify the registration process on the site as much as possible., so created several options, которые позволят вам
register in a minute and start writing trading ideas, as well as communicate with other traders

First registration path, to become a member of the community of traders, you need to follow the link, fill in the data and
push the button “Finish Registration”. A letter will be sent to your email address, through which you must activate your account
на FinTraders. Next, going to the main page you can type in the appropriate fields in the right column
your username and password log in to the site.
All, your account is completely created and you can start chatting on the site.

Second way of registration this is to push to in the right column a large hand-drawn button “To come in”. Pushing it, you
увидите кнопки таких социальных сервисов как Google, Twitter, Yandex, Vkontakte and others. Choose the most convenient for you
service and click on its icon. The system will redirect you to the site of the corresponding social service and ask you to enter your login and
password. (if you chose twitter, accordingly, you need to drive in the login and password of your twitter account). After authorization in social
сервисе (напр. on twitter), the system will redirect you back to the http site:// If this did not happen, drive into
http browser string:// Returning the following times to the site, нажимайте кнопку “To come in” and login the same

  For some reason, I remembered the stories of Kir Bulychev

We wish you a pleasant and useful time on the site for the exchange of trading ideas –”

What's wrong with my LJ trades – I'll write later

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