Are there any inefficiencies on randomly generated charts??

But really — here, say that you can make money on a randomly generated chart, it is impossible to create a profitable system and that's it — it is an axiom.

Что из себя представляет schedule изменения цен биржевого инструмента? Someone sells, someone buys for completely different reasons and reasons, someone arbitrates, someone hedges, etc.. and so on. Someone likes hang-ups, someone breaks, someone is just competing in the speed of transactions, someone invests. This process involves millions of traders with different goals., взглядами, привычками, убеждениями. As a result, we get the Brownian motion, тот же самый, randomly generated, график цены.

How is a random graph generated?? Surely there are also some rules for its generation., otherwise how will it be generated?

Therefore, the question arises — and what is the more randomly generated chart of the chart of an exchange instrument. If inefficiency, on which you can earn, meet in the second, then maybe in the first one they can be found. And it is possible to make money on both?

То есть вопросwhich phenomenon is more random, stock chart or generated? :)

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