Business Audiobooks – a selection of food for the mind

Дональд ТрампFirst on the list is an interesting person named Donald and with the last name Trump.

Do you know who he is? Not? And what is Trump Tower you know? Picture, Viki.

First book Donald Trump is called “The art of making deals” , I recommend reading, although the name may scare you away. But don't be intimidated by this name., this is a very useful book.

Donald Trump – How to get rich – also recommend reading.

Donald Trump – Think like a billionaire – also a very good book, many useful tips specifically for thinking.

In some places, Trump is very arrogant and it can be seen that he loves himself a lot., but if you ignore it – very helpful Books. And in general, – he has the right to be proud of himself – built a huge empire.

Генри ФордNext we have Henry Ford.

Amazing person, not only Ford who created cars, but also much more – because he was practically the first in the automotive business. Very interesting about my business and, in general, about how to create and manage a business correctly, mixed with interesting statements and conclusions from my own experience.
Henry Ford – “My life and my work”.
Today, many people use the legacy of Ford.. Ford is still doing well in terms of profit, naturally she has already changed a million investors and owners, but nonetheless – try to uphold the principles, laid by Ford at the very beginning.

Евгений ЧичваркинI respect Evgenia Chichvarkina, although many do not like. I think he has something to respect – started from scratch in the bazaar – got out into the people and created a big company. Although sold at the moment “Euroset”, this does not make this book less interesting at all. Highly recommend.
“Maxim Kotin – Chichvarkin – E…genius: if from 100 times you are sent 99”.

  The book One Good Trade. One good trade. Hidden information about the highly competitive world of private trading in Russian

Джон Вон ЭйкенAlso recommend books John Vaughn Aiken. They are in printed form and did not come out – all in audio format – on 30-60 minutes each. Very useful for general development. Von Aiken – uncle expressive, voice immediately makes you think and act in a positive way. Quite a lot of interesting things in his books. I recommend.
Here is a selection of 25 books: John von Aiken 25 audiobooks, more 30 hours of audio.

Besides, I advise you to read books from the series “Business way”. Right now I have no direct links to audiobooks (you can search for yourself) i would recommend reading them in print versions. Very interesting books about the formation of the largest companies in the world.
Here are a few of those, what I have read and would recommend reading to you:
“Business way: Bill Gates. 10 the secrets of the world's richest business leader”
“Business way: Nokia. Success secrets of the fastest growing company in the world”
“Business path: Amazon.with. The Secrets of the World's Most Successful Web Business”

There are other books in this series about Toyota., Lexus and other companies, terribly interesting.

Besides, I recommend reading other books of this type, which tells about how people got involved in entrepreneurship and were able to achieve a lot thanks to their perseverance and desire. Several titles of the most interesting books literally flew out of my head. I will remember – I will definitely write. In the meantime, I think that's enough.

P.S. The original post is below the link

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