MasterForex Academy infects users' computers?

Interesting information was received yesterday, regarding the, how, the so-called “Academy MasterForex” infects computers of its students. Omitting unnecessary details and filtering out secondary material, the essence is. The so-called teachers “academies” in their posts on the forum they constantly hint at their “Secret” broker, who has a commission $0,005 per circle, and whose leverage is from 1/20 to 1/50 and other benefits, but they don't want to shine it, therefore they can only tell a big secret. And here it is., a message with the broker's address is sent to the forum member's PM — supposedly use our kindness. First, the message is sent by a scammer under the nickname Amadey_MF:

Then the same Amadeus, registers a new nickname for himself and, for greater persuasiveness, sends a message from this character:

Farther, when a person visits the site, then if his computer is not configured for security, a big surprise awaits him (therefore, use the browser Google Chrome):

When it was announced on the masterficus forum, the message was instantly deleted.
As they say, comments are unnecessary — scammers need to know by sight.

  West Qurna-2. Yes, yes! Yes, yes!
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