121 advice on how to unleash the capabilities of the brain

121 advice on how to think faster, improve memory, better absorb information and use the full potential of your brain.

You can start doing them right from today..

1. Решайте загадки и головоломки.

2. Develop ambidexterity (two-handedness, the ability to use the right and left hands equally well). Try to brush your teeth, comb hair, manipulate a computer mouse with your non-primary hand. Write with both hands at the same time. Change hands while eating when using a knife and fork.

3. Work with ambiguity, неопределенностью. Learn to enjoy things like that, как парадоксы и оптические иллюзии.

4. Изучайте интеллект-карты (mind mapping) (approx.: connection diagram, a way of depicting the process of general systems thinking using diagrams).

5. Block one or more sensations. Eat blindfolded, plug your ears with tampons for a while, take a shower with your eyes closed.

6. Develop Comparative Taste Senses. Learn to fully feel, смаковать вино, шоколад, beer, cheese and something else.

7. Look for areas of intersection between seemingly unrelated things.

8. Learn to use keyboards with different key layouts (learn to type blindly).

9. Come up with new uses for common items. How many different ways can you think of, for example, for nail? Ten? Сто?

10. Change your beliefs to the opposite.

11. Изучайте техники развития творчества.

12. Don't dwell on the obvious, rush mentally beyond the first, The "correct" answer to the question.

13. Change the order of things. Ask yourself the question “What if?..»


15. Flip the pictures, фотографии вверх ногами.

16. Develop critical thinking. Refute common misconceptions.

17. Study logic. Решайте логические задачи.

18. Learn the scientific way of thinking.

19. Рисуйте, draw automatically. You don't need to be an artist for this..

20. Мыслите позитивно.

21. Do some kind of art - sculpture, живописью, music - or test yourself in any other creativity.

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22. Learn the art of performing magic tricks, develop dexterity.

23. Ешьте продукты, good for the brain.

24. Стремитесь к тому, to constantly feel a slight feeling of hunger.

25. Занимайтесь физическими упражнениями!

26. Sit up straight.

27. Drink plenty of water.

28. Breathe deeply.

29. Смейтесь!

30. Diversify your activities. Choose a hobby for yourself, hobby.

31. Take care of a good sleep.

32. Practice a short sleep.

33. Слушайте музыку.

34. Declare War on Your Addiction to Delays, procrastination.

35. Limit Your Technique.

36. Study Brain Materials.

37. Change your clothes. Walk barefoot.

38. Improve Your Self-Conversations.

39. Make it easier!

40. Играйте в шахматы или другие настольные игры. Play over the internet (it is especially interesting to play in real time by electronic!).

41. Играйте в игры «для ума». Sudoki, crosswords and countless other games at your service.

42. Be direct, as children!

43. Играйте в video games.

44. Develop a sense of humor! Пишите или сочиняйте шутки.

45. Make a List 100.

46. Use the Quota of Ideas method (Quote idea) (approx.: method of making a preliminary list of ideas during the day).

47. Consider every idea, coming to you. Create a bank of ideas.

48. Let your ideas develop. Return to each of them at regular intervals..

49. Conduct "case observation". Постарайтесь, for example, mark red items as often as possible throughout the day. Tag cars of a specific make. Pick a topic and focus on it.

50. Keep a diary.

51. Learn foreign languages.

52. Eat in different restaurants - preference for national restaurants.

53. Learn Computer Programming.

54. Read long words in reverse. !einedžuborP

55. Change your environment - change the location of items, мебели, move somewhere.

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56. Write! Write stories, поэзию, start a blog.

57. Learn the language of symbols.

58. Learn the art of playing musical instruments.

59. Visit museums.

60. Study the functioning of the brain.

61. Изучайте технику быстрого чтения.

62. Define your learning style.

63. Learn the method of determining the days of the week for any date!

64. Try to feel the time intervals.

65. "Approximate calculation". What's more - leaves in the Amazon forest or neural connections in the brain? (answer)

66. Make friends with math. Fight Counting Failure.

67. Build Palaces of Memory.

68. Study the imaginative thinking system to develop memory.

69. Have sex (Excuse me, here without comment! ).

70. Memorize people's names.

71. Meditate. Train your concentration and a complete lack of thoughts.

72. Watch films of different genres.

73. Give up the TV.

74. Learn to concentrate.

75. Будьте в контакте с природой.

76. Solve math problems in your mind.

77. Give up the rush.

78. Change the usual speed of various activities.

79. Do only one thing at a time..

80. Develop curiosity.

81. Try on someone else's consciousness. Как бы, In your, other people thought in your place, solved your problems? How would a fool behave if you were?

82. Cultivate a contemplative attitude towards the world.

83. Находите время для уединения и релаксации.

84. Настраивайтесь на непрерывное education в течение всей своей жизни.

85. Travel abroad. Meet the lifestyle of people from other countries.

86. Изучайте гениев (Leonardo is a great company for you!)

87. Build a circle of trusted friends.

88. Look for rivalries.

89. You should not only communicate with like-minded people. Surround yourself with people, whose worldview is different from yours.

90. Participate in brainstorming sessions!

91. Change the way you plan for the future: short-term / long-term, collective / individual.

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92. Look for the roots of all problems.

93. Коллекционируйте quotes famous people.

94. Change the medium of communication: use paper instead of a computer, voice recording instead of writing.

95. Читайте классиков.

96. Improve the art of reading. Effective reading is an art, develop it.

97. Summarize books.

98. Develop self-awareness.

99. Speak your concerns out loud.

100. Describe your feelings in great detail.

101. Use the braille method. Start by counting the floors, when will you take the elevator.

102. Purchase a work of art, which will shake you up. Stimulate, provoke feelings and thoughts.

103. Use a variety of perfume fragrances.

104. Mix sensations. How much does pink weigh? What does lavender smell like??

105. Argue! Protect your case. Try to also accept your opponent's point of view..

106. Use the time boxing method (approx.: method of fixing a certain period of time for the execution of a task or group of tasks).

107. Уделяйте время развитию мозга.

108. Create a mental sanctuary (approx.: a place, which only exists in your imagination).

109. Be curious!

110. Challenge yourself.

111. Develop the art of visualization. Give it a minimum 5 minutes per day.

112. Record your dreams. Start a notebook and first thing in the morning, or when you wake up, record dreams.

113. Обучайтесь осознанным сновидениям.

114. Заведите vocabulary интересных слов. Create your own words.

115. Look for metaphors. Link abstract and concrete concepts.

116. Управляйте стрессом.

117. Master the method of randomly entering information. Copy random words from the journal. Read randomly selected sites.

118. Take a different route every day. Change streets, by which you go to work, jogging or coming home.

119. Install various operating systems on your PC.

120. Develop vocabulary.

121. Strive for more, чем предполагали.

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