evil banks that do not issue loans

on a tip[info]alex_okhrimenko 

Ukrainian banks will have to send free liquidity to the real sector of the economy faster, than planned. `` This will entail an intensification of lending to the economy"

but I have a question.
is there a demand for this your `` increase in lending ''?

you don't have to dig deep into the idea of ​​a balance sheet recession to notice,
that the reduction of debts in circulation in other countries is not due to banks' reluctance to lend
(or the presence of other sources of income), and due to the lack of demand for credit.

we are not in the elections here, so talk about, that lending is now only a demand problem or
only suggestions, incorrect. the point is, what's the problem here and there. and it is solved by normalizing
inflation parameters and growth in real income.

the same applies to the desire of the National Bank to lend to someone there. it's just funny.
although it's better to do something, than nothing.

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