Tough and effective Zen training is not for everyone

Hello, friends!

Earlier several times I recruited students and worked with them, but later abandoned this idea, because in that format, in which all this happened — turned out to be crap.

People come for technology. You give them technique. Here pattern, here is the application, here is the result.

But this is about the same, what to give a set of tools to a person, who sees them for the first time. You give a drill, screwdriver, keys and talking — hang the shelf, collect furniture, make doors.

Именно так все и получается, that after training a person does not change his attitude to trading, neither to yourself and your goals. That is, everything remains in place and he just moves on in search of a new Grail..

I am not against seminarians. Not against Gerchikov and the others. Not at all! Но мне кажется, that such presentation of material is not useful. Furthermore, does one of the seminarians tell you, what percentage will you do after the seminar?

Nobody speaks! Ну понятно, this is the market, blah blah blah… Everything is so unclear here, blurry…

And I decided to do the last experiment. Especially, what, maybe, I will soon stop giving my blog as much attention. Or sell it at all.

so, conditions!

Dialing 1-3 students for a period 1 month of intensive Zen training. Desirable, чтобы это были люди, которые уже прошли courses обучения у кого-то, but got no result. It will mean, that the reasons for the failure are not in technology, but in the inner space.

Furthermore, my opinion — what technique — this 3% Success. Maybe less. Other 97% — внутри. And you have to work with them, not study patterns or follow the news.


You must have complete trust in me. You will hide your heart behind the walls — не получите ничего.

You will be lazy and not do your homework properly — why then start a course?

I see my goal in this as follows: I want to see updated people with new goals after training, clear understanding of their achievement, with an understanding of yourself and your place in the world.

We will set the following goal for earnings — from 10% per month or 2-5% in Week.

This is where you should yawn. Don't ask why. Zevaaaaem… Zevaaaaaem… Wider! Yet! Good.

Поехали дальше.

In my opinion, there are several gates on the way of a steadily earning trader, through which he consistently must pass.

An attempt to climb over the fence takes place, but inside there is a trouble-free security system and the sly one is rather early, the late, thrown out to the same place, from which he decided to bypass the Laws or unclassified steps.

There will be a little esotericism, perhaps I will give a separate block of the Remote Vision course for, to indicate the non-local nature of the mind, as RI taught us. But this is if necessary.


I will work with everyone individually and closely. There will be a theory, and practice, and homework. We will understand psychology as well, and in life principles / guidelines, we will set goals and clear our heads of debris.

Tuition fee per month — 2000 ye. I reserve the right to encourage the student to return 50% sums at the end of the month for diligence and diligence.

I really want to believe, that this experiment will allow my students to see themselves and the world in a new way.

Write to contacts: my e-mail or Skype wearbo

God bless you, at least until the next blog update Zen trading

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