What is FOMO: theory and practice | Missed a chance to earn.

“But I would buy shares of the Savings Bank at 200 rub. in the end 2020 G. and would have sold in May by 320 rub., I would go on vacation ". Why didn't I buy Virgin Galactic at $15?"" A classmate managed to make money on the crypt ". – FOMO

If at least once you have such thoughts, there is a possibility, Are you suffering from Lost Profit Syndrome?. Let's figure it out, what is it after all, as shown by financiers, And, Main, how to deal with it.

What is the FOMO Lost Profit Syndrome

FOMO - Fear of missing out or lost profit syndrome (DRY) - annoying fear of missing an event or a profitable opportunity, in our case - nesting.

This syndrome can overtake you in virtually any daily situation.. Standing in traffic, you can be puzzled: "Why does he have a BMW?, and I have an old Renault?"- and throughout the day to remember the missed opportunities to get rich. Scrolling through your social media feed, you will find, that someone implements a simple dimple and rests in the Emirates - and you spend the weekend at an old dacha. What can we say about investments, when examples of "successful furore" are shown to you at every step and you see, that your personal strategy is flawed.

The FOMO difficulty is not new and has been the subject of an enormous amount of mental research work.. In our time, the issue has become particularly acute.: information has become more accessible, than a means of verification, how is it embellished and is it reliable in principle.

It is customary to think, that FOMO is not a disease, but in the rarest cases, this state turns into depression and asks for the support of the psychoanalyst.

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Test: FOMO at the financier

Answer follow-up questions, "Yes" or "No":

• I check the prices in my own backpack more often, how 2 once a day. Always looking for news and action, but I make incorrect predictions, why I'm angry

• It happened, what all, apart from me, Know, in which direction one or another asset will move, and I missed the move

• Wish to trade like Buffett, therefore, I often attend various investment events in the hope of gaining unique knowledge. Does not exceed, and I wish even more theory from various speakers

• I do a lot of actions, which should lead me to monetary achievement, but without results - I blame myself for this and get distracted by other things

• Monitor my own portfolio all 5 minutes and upset because of every red value

• If negative news has reduced the price of my satchel, I can impulsively close a position or change the direction of the trade, not understanding the situation

• If the effectiveness of my investment is significantly less, than other financiers, I am looking for new opportunities and ready to tempt fate, even if I don't really understand, how the new asset works

• I try to repeat someone else's strategy, not counting on their conclusions - if the financier is more successful, his advice is pretty

• It happened like this: I thought, that the asset will grow in value, but was scared to enter a position - the asset grew, and I am extremely sad

• I expected to make "a couple of dollars" on oil futures a day, quit your job and rest abroad. However, here's the bad luck, I lost ten percent of my satchel due to OPEC statements, Decided, that is not smart enough for stock trading and no longer want to enter the market

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If half or more of the answers are "Yes", probably, you are subject to FOMO. Can't be predicted, whether the effect will be temporary or permanent. Feeling like this is acceptable.. but, if you want to make a splash in investing, with the bad impact of FOMO, you need to learn how to manage.

There was a case, but what to do anyway

There are two safe ways out of the situation: to leave everything and concentrate on another matter, - but doesn't mean, that the state of affairs there will not repeat itself, - or it is appropriate to treat the dilemma.

So as not to live life in illusions and torments about troubles, focus on for yourself and your own goals, but not on "success" from the web. Don't live on social media sites: unsubscribe from unnecessary groups and newsletters, disable unnecessary notifications in your phone.

Often reported, that the ability to cope with mental difficulties is almost the most basic sign of a successful financier. And it really is. You must fight FOMO in your own head.

Action 1. Deal with that, what is the difficulty. Stop lying to yourself or "drive" because of the success of the rest. Replace the question: “Why is he, but not I previously guessed?»Say so: "Well done, I will analyze the state of affairs in more detail and another time I will build my chain of actions in a different way ".

Action 2. Remember the conversation between the characters of DiCaprio and McConaughey in the movie "The Wolf of Wall Street"? The essence is, that no one can look into the future, not every strategy is doomed to success. If you missed a powerful IPO or an explosive growth in a stock asset, don't worry., opportunities will still be. The market is constantly making new conditions for investment ideas, which you can use. And following the Action 1 you will be ready.


Quick tips for investors

• No ideas - wait and explore the possibilities

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• Set clear goals for short and long distances

• Not sure - don't

• If everything went wrong, as expected - don't worry and draw conclusions

• Choose your tools carefully, make a portfolio, analyze the market

• Remember the diversification rules


Personal experience

It is almost impossible to invest and not face the loss of profit syndrome.


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