The tail wags the dog.

A couple of days ago I commented on one replica on Libya in the style of Bulgakov “не читайте Soviet newspapers liberal press. But yesterday, all channels, gave such a convincing picture of the fall of the regime “bloody colonel” and general popular rejoicing, that even the most staunch skeptics have decided, what exactly now, the end. And so today, Safe al-Islam, information on “captivity” whom, днем ранее, was officially confirmed, alive-healthy, свободный, and not even wounded, gives interviews to television. “By the rebels” today, in Tripoli, seem to be, does not smell. All in all, we entered the era, when not only stock markets live their own, life divorced from reality, all of humanity has embarked on the path of virtualization – you can create any video sequence, put any belief in your head, and simplification of educational programs will contribute to, so that the necessary information reaches consumers without the occurrence of internal conflicts and attempts to analyze. Верить, seem to be, it will be possible soon only to my experience. Meanwhile,, many are now ready to voluntarily join a single global “matrix” and fully virtualized. How is it in the movie? “Happiness in ignorance?”…

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