I would like to take the machine gun in hand…………

I would like to take the machine gun in hand and to the wall of everyone, who is involved in the lawтворчествуmoronism.

I married a citizen of the Russian Federation, являясь иностранным гражданином. A child was born in the Russian Federation.  I have to be with my family, but for more than 3 months in a row I have no right, нужно выезжать на 3 months.  To receive a RVP( permanent residence permit) required 6 Months. Consequently, I can apply and through 3 months should leave , and then move in again.
For a RVP must provide a criminal record from the FBI with an apostille, this also requires about 3 Months.
In the same states, you can make a visa for a citizen of the Russian Federation and stay much more 3 месяцев подряд.

I hold back from swearing and swear words 16 storey height

  Rosenberg on permanent bears
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