Let's drink to hackers!!!! :)))

Cool!!! :))
Let's drink to hackers and weak firewalls!:))))

VIA softranger

Did you know, what …
27 April, 10:27
1. One human cell contains 75MB of genetic information
2. One sperm contains 37.5MB.
3. One milliliter contains about 100 million sperm.
4. On average, ejaculation lasts 5 seconds and is 2.25 ml of semen.
5. In this way, the throughput of the male member will be:
(37.5Мб x 100M x 2.25)/5 = (37 500 000 byte / sperm x 100 000 000
sperm / ml x 2.25 ml) / 5 seconds = 1 687 500 000 000 000
byte / second = 1 687.5 Terabyte / s

It turns out that the female egg can withstand this DDoS attack for one and a half
terabyte per second, passing only one selected data packet and
is the world's most awesome hardware firewall…
But that one package, which she is missing, puts the system on 9 Months…

PS. From the forum. Original source unknown.

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