Learn to show the statement!!
“and other adventures of Shurik”

These are the SMS-ki I receive all night…

I don't need all this.. and I am absolutely indifferent to Alexander Rezvyakov himself… I don't even know him. But since the sectarians demand – answer for the bazaar)))

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   Further…. everything I will refer to in the process revealing the truth this:
               1) Video из поста Феникса Sober dozen part 1 (download) + part 2 (download)
               2) AR video interview visiting Herald and Co. (download)

Minimum program!!
3 the blind have received their sight, two have a new leg,
one man gave birth after
sensational video of Rezvyakov! :-)

In his interview, he tries to make excuses and is very annoyed with, that we were laughing at his margin calls))

To the requirement to show the statement for the year, better for two – Alexander pulls out only a couple of days out of 365 days a year, for which there was the maximum increase in the OPEN variation in position,
which subsequently closed on margin call!!!


Каким, fuck, any profit in the position (UNFIXED)  can be considered an argument for the success and stability of your trading, if instead of this profit you are covered by margin call – i can't understand!!))) And you?!?!)

Ask any trader, what does he think about the person, who selects days with a positive OPEN variation for a trade and brags about it?

Now no one has any doubts, that A.R. consistently earns on the stock market!!)))

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    Now in more detail:

All days, which he demonstrated in statements – this not days with separate trades and fixed profits, and this is all the same variation one trade. For the whole of May. Quote: “For the whole of May – I have 1 deal” in part1, 07:35 min. On it they closed it on MK, what is talking about h2, 10:52 min.
These are all pure facts.…  Смотрите видео, I wrote the tags!

And this – his best trade of the year!!)) The beginning of the year for AR is also unprofitable – he says it himself on the video.

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If you say, pier, this loss has nothing to do with his system… like he tilt and didn’t get out of position, and the system is working – then I will answer you:
         Firstly, the market has not technically reached its target – he talks about this in h1 video, which means that the entire loss is due to the system!! Moreover, he is not able to determine the target specifically for the market at all.!!.. A.R. approves, that it is necessary to close stupidly on round numbers in a quote or at a depot!!! Or by stop loss!!! WAHAHAHAHAHA ..))  (ч1, 01:05).
         Secondly, the very fact of the onset of tilt – an integral part of this trading strategy!! At the entrance to all shoulders and pyramiding to the variation – he is just provided!! If you don't merge before, how do you catch the movement, then you tilt in anticipation of the goal.. But even if you are sooo lucky and you take the jackpot – then you tilt in sl. a deal from psycho instability, caused by a sharp equity shot))) Therefore, all losses for this reason – именно системные, because generated by her!! There can be no talk of any stable earnings here.!!!!
If your teacher is unable to obey these cues without losing control, then this is HOW will you do it????

  Мы вас съедим......

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I'm in LJ fanatics AR I prove mesentery with saliva, that this system is not possible in principle!!! They are – не верят))) Think for yourself, if stop loss on a trade 2% from a depot, ie. with shoulder it 0.2%, then HOW FUCK YOU WILL ENTER THE MARKET POSITIONALLY FOR A WEEK OR MORE, ЕСЛИ У ВАС СТОП 0.2%!!!))  200-400n stop on daily charts))) You fucked up, adit, bitches?)))
I personally sit in poses for the week… and I know what stop is needed.. and it is not 200p))))  And here is the proof:

IN ч1 49:30 min Rezvyakov is asked a direct question: what was your initial stop? But AR pretended, what did not hear and said, what's included on 70% from margin! But in the second part, he accidentally let out WHAT… IN h2, 08:20 min A.R. keeps the cursor on the candle 4 May and says, that the stop was stupidly set according to the MAX of the previous day!!!!! And that means, what if we even take, that he was included not closer to loy, and if the nearest support is broken the other day – then the stop loss was from 3000 to 4000 points!!!! And the entrance was closer to the loy, because “entry points – this is the minimum or maximum of the wave” (ч1, 01:02 min)“.!!
For those, who is in the tank (or in the AR sect) – 4000P – this 2%, but not 0.2%!! Therefore, the stop loss at entry not 2% from a depot, according to AP, and 20%!!!
А теперь представьте, what happens to his account, with 10 unprofitable entries??? And there are 10 pieces in a row, what is he talking about in h2, 20:55 min

Now I hope everyone understands, why a super successful trader in Russia, который делает по 500% за трейдdeposit only 2 million rubles!!)) Not dollars!) Ie. this is the cost of 2 seminars!  But Rezvyakov claims in an interview “I don't earn that much at seminars, как на трейдинге”, and with such ambition, what is there apparently once in 2-3 more for sure. And if he earned 30 million rubles only at seminars (more 1000 Students – fact), then on trading he should have earned about 100 000 000 rubles!! Where is all this loot?))) Why is the maximum AP account only 2% of this amount? In my opinion, everything is obvious, what this is either shit or all the loot is played in gusts of gambling addiction on margin calls and is restored from seminars))))

  How I unobtrusively pulled out the grail last night.

Further… pussy about 0.2% confirmed by the words of AP, what is the main thing – these are the points exit and the ability to hold a pose.. and entry points – not important. I sometimes come in from the bulldozer and make a decent living! (the quote in h1, 01:02 min) HOW IT IS POSSIBLE TO SPEAK ABOUT THE ACCURACY OF THE INPUT, ЕСЛИ У ТЕБЯ СТОП 0.2%!!!??

And for these seminars they take a piece of bucks from each victim.!!)))) Tin..

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You say, that only part of the position was closed by margin call… and in fact, depot AR. not cleared?)) Then listen (h2, 27:29 min), he complains, what I wanted in opening “withdraw LAST THING, but it didn't work out… But it was at the opening that this very short was!!))  Do you understand what I'm talking about?)) Have you seen at least one successful trader?, steadily doubling the score, который хочет display LAST, WHAT LEFT?)) Usually, so they say, when…. well you get the idea)))

But further it is even more interesting….
In the video, AR claims, that margin calls were not only in Opening ... but also in Alpha! I honestly say, didn't get it… But someone explained to me…
By rumor (!) Alexander told one of the close people, what exactly was in Alpha! IN (ч1, 01:01 min) Alexander talks about, that on the first line he was short at the Opening, and in Alpha in long!!! НАХУЯ??? You are fucking right now))) A.R. a little bit, what came out of that long, but in fact I wanted myself at last make a normal statement.. открыв, 2 opposite positions in different brokers on all shoulders!! )))) But the most EPIC FAIL заключался в том, what he was first marginalized on a long on a loe in Alpha (because. there was about 17 000n loss), but at the Opening he did not close the profit, because the market stupidly did not reach 1000p to its target and he freaked out, began to overexpose.. and then tiltanul and viebal on the variation, изза которой later it was closed by margin call at the Opening (shorts)!!!! АХХАХАХАХАХАХАХААХАХХАахахахахах0)))
About that, that both Alpha and Otkritie covered him precisely on the spreads he says in h2, 10:52 min)

  Silver sent the fund to them. JC knockdown :(

But these are rumors)) I DON'T BELIEVE THEM!!!! I ONLY BELIEVE THE FACTS…..

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Further… in h2, 23:50 min) AR approves, what in his case, the result is STRONGLY DEPENDING ON LUCK!!! (quote).  Have you heard from at least one steadily(!)-successful(!) trader, that his trade is strong(!) depends on luck?? Ask Detter, whether she strongly influenced his result in the Champions League 2010? Ask the noxer, how much did he depend on luck, when did 15 000% ??? Ask me, did i get at least 1 ruble loss, just because of that, that I was unlucky! I will answer you…
But with AR everything is different… because luck determines what the result will be!!)))))) Типо if otmarzhinkolilo – means unlucky))))))

And in h2, 27:17 min) I really liked the following:  “I'm coming in, I come in, I enter either before a series of losing trades (~10), or up to the 1st profitable… and stop.”
What about the mantra “Ограничивай убытки – let the profits flow” ???))) AR has every losing trade – this is a reason to do exactly the same (strategy does not change), BUT! when suddenly there was a profit – urgently needs to stop Trading!! Otherwise, suddenly there will be a profitable series!!!

Further.. they say, AR at some seminars shows its trading in real time…. Hmm… well.. We look h2, 30:18 min). AR at the seminar showed how to make money. Is talking, (this quote!!!)“fired 100 Contracts… closed in a minute.. Say: here, please.. see how!!!!!! Stop was really big, but the goal is small….. This is how money is made!”  Uahhaahhahahahahahahahaha)))

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Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa stop me!!!!!!!)))))))) fuck… I can still write as much… … But the meaning…
Conclusions from this will not change!!!)))

Before, how will you spit, sectarians, JUST ASK STATE with 26 May to June 3!!! (And preferably without Photoshop)

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