Everything you wanted to know about “economic policy” in Ukraine

What's with the program, what without a program… (Mirror of the Week)

quotes: Anatoly GALCHINSKY and Alexander SHLAPAK.

And the last. Overconfidence worries me, superiority and narcissism, manifested during the presentation of the document. After all, the problems of the Ukrainian economy — it's not only 15% fall in GDP last year and unbalanced budget. Exist, as we said, deeper foundations of the crisis, which are not reflected in statistics. I doubt, do the authors of the document under discussion understand these aspects?.

In my opinion, the program of socio-economic development of Ukraine can be assessed either seriously and deeply, either traditionally.

Furthermore, what worries me is, that the tactics of the previous government were mainly adopted. Namely: to endure, last a year, use the same instruments for financing the budget deficit (borrowing and equity financing). At the same time, nothing, in fact, do not change either in the energy, nor in the macro- and microeconomic policy in the hope that, that the economy, thanks to a favorable external environment and more active international trade, will gradually begin to grow and «will take out» us from a crisis. Offensive, because it loses a very important and rare, almost a unique opportunity in the implementation of reforms.

It makes no sense to dwell on all sections of the document in detail, he doesn't deserve it.

  Just go crazy
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