Forward, The Bears!!!

The bullish trend was finally broken today, even on the day. Entering the bearish stage. Complete uncorrelation, and I think it makes sense to trade only according to the technical analysis of the instrument itself. Alpha analysts hope for a rebound tomorrow 0,5-1% – I think, the fall will intensify, despite being oversold. Tried to long in the morning (Eurobax confused me) was a little in the black, then I caught moose, and barely took his feet…
Now about the lessons (personally for me).

1. Don't trade fancy, or waiting, but to trade schedule.
2. Trade only typical situations (made pictures, regulations, I'll hang it on the wall now :))
3. Don't listen to anyone, only myself. No matter what they say or write on the blogs, on TV, radio – largely, this is just unnecessary information noise.

  Buy and hold leaked...
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