Here I am a goof…

I got soooo fucked up today.. well, that's just fucked up.. it's just a fucking fuck…

To make such an elementary mistake.. On the broadcast today, everyone is fucked up..

That short for the Jew that I kept. In short, I rolled over to 1.3545…

The mistake is commonplace – incorrect analysis on the system. (Ie. saw that, what is not. Now I see the system forbade such a godless shit, Amen)

  • The reason for the error: bias and not mindfulness.
  • Reason for bias: short for other currencies did not work, I ess-but thought it was too early for a global reversal. There will be another wave of growth.
  • Reason for not being mindful: was demoralized by the latest losing trades. Loss of concentration.

I did different shit in my life, but what would it be… I don’t remember for a long time.

  IPO Doximity (economic model)
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