How to recover as a trader during a losing streak

Как восстанавливаться трейдеру

Most of the material is already for traders who have been trading for more than a year and have started trading in a plus, but beginners will also have useful moments. This course is designed for people who are broken and lose heart., no desire to trade anymore and do not believe in themselves. For my almost 3 years of trading on NYSE Were 3 times black bars and I was recovering from them . The most important thing in trading is your emotional state.. You must be in harmony with yourself and have confidence in your actions.. Often people start working on mistakes during a losing streak., but they are not psychologically ready to earn. The past minuses press them and do not allow them to go further.. They constantly have thoughts on how to quickly beat off the minus, and not how more stable to start earning again. You are not the first and not the last who have such thoughts and in your hands only will you stay in this business or leave. The only person on whom your success depends – it's YOU.

And so if your emotional stress is already at its maximum, works on 20 hours a day and still don't understand why you can't trade profitably, I propose to do the following :

For a week, you must FORGET about trading and the market, don't think about him at all. The first step is to change the emotional state.. You need to get a charge of positive energy and energy.. Как этого достичь :

  • Активный отдыхНикакого лежания на диване и грусти, how sad I am. Need to disperse , spend time with friends or your girlfriend, but not in the usual places where you usually go. Go for example rock climbing, jump with a parachute , займитесь дайвингом или поиграйте в пейнтбол . Сделайте то , which they never did , но всегда хотели. It will give you a sea of ​​positive energy and energy..
  • Start reading biographies of prominent people. You will see how they overcame difficulties on their way to success.. More often than not, their problems were much worse than yours..
  • Watch motivational films and video rollers. Part you can find on my blog, others just by typing in a search engine.
  • Начать слушать бизнес семинары. Often there is a lot of useful things that are given and energized., что то делать. For example, I used to like a business seminar Maxim Maksimova
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Your main goal now is to change your emotional state., набраться энергии и сил для дальнейшей работы. To be continued…

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