
Interesting topic in the morning touched on
I wondered people, who managed to distort any event in a monstrous way, the book, movie. Put a shortcut, that they either have memory problems, or a vinaigrette in my head. In the light of what I have read, it turns out, that vinaigrette may well be with me, although we are convinced, normally, in self-righteousness :) Цитирую: "As finishing additions – experiments were carried out with people of both sexes older 20 years with higher education, people sincerely believed, that retell the plot in a hurry of an adventure novel read, none considered, what is he coming up with, and offended, if he was told, what's in the book – not so. Not, that's how it was, I remember exactly, almost literally – that was the general voice." note, there were no problems with the names, but with a statement of events… Probably, people link events to their own maps, оценкам, perception, and based on this, they draw conclusions.

Many 'swim" with numbers – confuse dates, quantity, etc.. By the way, offhand, when the Battle on the Ice happened? Battle of Kulikovo? American Civil War? How many were the population of the northern and southern states on the eve of the war and the number of slaves among the southern? (School course for 7-8 Class). Then on Wikipedia look, if anything :)

Я читал, that when retelling the event, is lost 10% Information, ie. if five people give each other information about something, the reliability of what is described will decrease by half. На деле, probably, still worse.

Used to be interested in history, I had one of my favorite subjects at school, but eventually came to the conclusion, that many of the stated facts, only a likely version of events.

And you are surprised, that you went to the seminar, and failed to reach the level of a guru – misunderstood… and not so. :)

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