Machine Learning | 88% companies use Data science

Study, which was conducted by the Northern Trust, demonstrated, that eighty-eight percent of asset managers use IT products or plan to use them to improve their work in the nearest two years.

eighty-eight percent of management companies are already using or planning to use data science - Northern Trust

From 300 participating in a survey of asset management companies in North America, Asia and the Pacific, Europe, Middle East and Africa – eighty-eight percent already use or plan to use data science and other IT tools to improve decision-making..
"This poll indicates, that asset managers understand the need to implement digital operating models, that ensure efficient and non-hazardous growth, but at the same time they are rightly oriented towards the need for reasonable expenditure of limited capital. ", – reported by Paul Fahey, Head of Investment Data Science (IDS) in Northern Trust. "As data science becomes more important in investments., who manage assets turn to data to obtain quality results and merit the highest productivity in their own main work".
Over the past year, several big participants have launched initiatives., aimed at data science, as such burning industry topics as ESG, that requires the study of wide data sets, continue to gain a foothold in the market.

Just last year, BlackRock expanded sustainable learning opportunities at its flagship aladdin site., buying a stake in Clarity AI in February, which specializes in data analysis, and JP Morgan Asset Management first this month included in-service Asia Pacific trading manager building a team of data scientists..

Prior to that, this year Northern Trust invested in the cloudy analytical platform Equity Data Science (EDS), looking to expand your Whole Office strategy. As a result of the transaction, the bank integrates EDS decision support tools with its own main technical platform, providing a Chicago custodian with new data exploration opportunities for institutional financiers and asset managers.

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