Question from the reader: advisor or manual trading?

Often asked something like this, so I decided to make a public response like this…

Good afternoon.

You have written a number of tutorials on the topic Forex for beginners, продвинутый
level, etc., that is, by this you recommend to study theoretical
trading fundamentals. Естветсвенно это логично и правильно.
But at the same time, you offer to use a paid advisor
Wallstreet-forex and do not know worries.
That's actually the question: what action to take
новичкуизучать, try, to be wrong, study, etc.. or
use an advisor and hope for luck?

Please understand me correctly. There are a lot of discussions on the Internet about various
советников, and almost all have a resume, that he will certainly
will merge your deposit. You give the opposite example. Also from the beginning
training to real success can and should take more than one year, and
the advisor seems to immediately make the newbie happy.

I am not writing this for the sake of idle interest., but only because, what
trying to find for myself (новичка) the right way.

Thanks in advance for your reply.



Hello, Dmitry. Каждому свое. Someone wants to do everything with their own hands, but the other does not like it — give him ready-made solutions. The advisor trades on real, its statistics demonstrate the possibilities clearly, but that's the point, that the advisor is careful, over the past year, it has not shown much impressive growth, therefore, using it you need to prepare for a long-term investment, ensuring its smooth operation and trusting the developer. In the case of independent study of the Forex markets, stocks or futures you start to learn something new, incomprehensible, looking for new topics and opening horizons. For example, I started blogging and now I can afford not to go to work, as I profit from my knowledge and work results (read Conference for bloggers) But be careful! You need money to trade in the market, and people start having problems, when they invest something, what do not intend to lose. But emotions do their job and people, those prone to gambling and not controlling their expenses can waste all the money…

  Tests on the history of cointegrated pairs.

I do not know your abilities and desires. Someone, trading on your own, develops, and someone vice versa, gets into trouble.

I'm not sure at all, that it takes years, for that, to become a profitable trader. It's all about something else — a person tends to test himself for strength and tries everything to his taste, and on the market «variations per sample» enough.

I don't like advisors, I enjoy trading hands, even if I guarantee profitability, say, 100% per annum, I will put a couple of thousand on my trading account and turn on the advisor, but still I will continue to trade hands and blog, watching, how it grows in the rating of traders' blogs.

So no one can decide for you.

Sincerely, Dmitry Stetsko

shl. And this is on the topic of markets and that, that all traders repeat the same mistakes, because it is so accepted =)

But in general — read, изучайте, watch. The internet is full of information and, although it seems, at first sight, that there is a lot of garbage and useless repetitive information — this is not true. Ищущий — will find. Here are some helpful articles about stock trading.

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