Virtual character.

Who played various RPGs, in my time, Remember, that creating a virtual character in the game, we can endow him with any qualities, even directly opposite to us, and then act them out. The same feature, probably, is also present in some blogs. There are fans of virtual exhibitionism, but for sure, there are also those, who fulfills his fictional role. Anonymity contributes to this. You can let a little more fog, importance, disguise, quote read, or heard from someone, thoughts and situations, passing them off as their own. That, who / what I would like to become, or your hobby, hobby, pass off as a fait accompli. The funnier is the deanonymization. Remember LJ Blastarra? Thoughts skipped, what some student writes, well-read “Turtle Traders”. I got the impression, that the author, really, that, who does he claim to be. Although, Karl May's Westerns were also of the opinion, what a writer, almost a real hero of the events described, although he is in America then, only visited through 15 years, after that, how this cycle began to be published. Just like that, if you think about it, how many virtual characters are there in the blogosphere, regularly acting out their roles?

  to 21:00?
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