Video : Citigroup Scalping +194k

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Предлагаю вашему вниманию video, recorded by one of the firm's traders
UT Pro.
The video demonstrates very effectively scalping on Citigroup's bulky security on the day of the additional issue of shares.

Video in six parts, lasts a little over an hour. Final profit – slightly less than USD 200 000…
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At my request, the author of the trade prepared comments for the video, explaining the sequence and logic of his trading:

The volumes on the premarket were already in line with the volumes of the previous day. Futures went up from the opening, premarket имбеланс был положительным, specialist удержал сильнейший натиск на уровень 3.15. All of this made me start the day with a large long position.. Later I found out that it was extra. issue and therefore such large volumes of shares.

The position is dialed in the range 3.15-3.16.

00:14 – 01:00
Along 3.19 there are already applications to close part of the package. At this price, because 3.19 is followed by 3.20. A psychologically important level for such a bulky and inexpensive paper. I plan to close the rest of the package further or at the slightest hint of a return movement to the sides 3.18.
Заявки расставлены в разные ECN для сглаживания эффекта неравномерного исполнения.

1:15 – 1.35
I'm getting ready to hit down with a packet approximately equal to, which is now. Since I understand the significance of the level 3.20 and recoilless movement in 5 Cents. I plan not only to close the position, but also roll over. I buy a package in 999000 because the route, through which execution is planned, does not allow orders to be sent more than 1 000 000 Shares.

1.35 – 2.30
The upward movement continues with active strikes on 3.20. This indicates the strength and activity of the buying side..

2.30 – 2.50
In the moment, when the level is almost completely taken out, bids appear again in offers. Obviously for the price 3.20 concentrated large hidden volume for sale.

2.50 – 3.15
Yet level 3.20 could not resist and quickly sweep it away. They sweep behind him and 3.21.
The upward movement is very strong and active, but a lot of speculative volume accumulates during such movements, any, any strong blow down, will cause avalanche closing of positions within the microtrend. Therefore, the hand lies on the enter button to close the position. Same as described for the price 3.18. But now no coup is planned, painfully strong upward movement.

3.15 – 3.35
As expected on the first downward stroke – we leave. Don't be fooled by gradual execution. This is internet lag. This is quite possible on very active days or isolated moments..

3.35 – 3.55
What is happening in time and selz is difficult to perceive due to the huge number of small transactions, which 'clog" his. Therefore, I set the filter at the level 9900 Shares, to see all transactions, volume from 10 000 Shares. In doing so, note, Time and Souls volume in lots.

4.05 – 4.15
Rollback continues. I close the position and wait for further developments.

4.50 – 5.05
For all key levels I have orders to close, for example on 3.24 may be needed as well as needed by 3.19. I put the same on 3.16 (whole weight). This is done in order to be in line before all those, who will place orders after taking the position.
I'll start by 3.15, in counting, that there will still be a specialist level, and in other ECNs they will execute me before they take out the level. Then I will have the opportunity to become a specialist in an unfavorable development of events.
I put two orders for 750k in 15 And 16 through a specialist, it is still performed more actively, than other market centers. На тот случай, if you need to close a large position at these prices.
So all the same, these applications can be abruptly withdrawn, thereby slightly 'exposing" levels.

5.20 – 5.50
Disassemble the level 3.19, but it is held by the application (apparently an iceberg) в ISE. Good signal up – getting ready to beat 750k by 20.

6.00 – 6.15
The second time they hit 19. After holding this level before. This means the seller is extremely aggressive. Getting ready to beat down, but now less, since the level was held by the application, which still stands in it – she can hold him again.

6.16 – 7.05
Share отстаивается, waiting for a sharp movement up or down, constantly getting ready to beat something up, then down, glancing at snp futures 500. Nervous state.

7.05 – 7.35
Along 3.20 the specialist is 9,5 million for sale. Part disappears and remains 6,7. Unclear, whether the execution went through or the orders were canceled. In order to understand this, I miss the time and selz.. I understand that the applications were canceled. This can be regarded as an attempt to influence the stock.. Nothing special yet, but note.

7.52 – 8.30
I think that the stock will still go down and expect to get a position on the offer, I place applications through a specialist. Getting ready to hit down the market.

8.45 – 9.05
Didn't have time to think about the short, how is the level taken out. I manage to take 1,5 million shorts.
The share stood for a relatively long time. 19-20, therefore, the downward movement continues with blows in 18.

9.10 – 9.25
I would like to immediately throw off half and hold the rest of the package longer. I place orders in different ECNs by 18. I will fight after me followers. The level rises a lot, which does not bode well, if they don't hit him right away.

9.35 – 9.45
Just in case, I'm getting ready to go to 19.

10.00 – 10.10
We started to perform on 18. Change size to close.

10-42 пауза.
A strange thing happens, the market is covered by two orders through a specialist, at the same time, the application in the offer remains much longer, than in the bidet. The market reacts to this as an overlap down. The blows go by 18. The level is not demolished again. The situation is incomprehensible and nervous. Constantly placing and canceling orders for closing.

11.35 – 11.50
And again we see that ISE is holding the level. I put a request for closing through a specialist, until the level is full.
But then I still cancel. Hit down hard. If not out – fearless – small package.

I place orders for closing by 17, already counting on a coup to long. Апора 3.15, so I plan to average up to there. If they endure 3.15 – going out.

13.00 – 13.05
Level take out – fit my applications in 15 And 16, I stretch the glass to estimate the volume of placed orders.

13.45 – 13.50
Confident in rebound – I want to get a position on 16. Ставлю много мелких заявок в dark pool. Many small ones Due to the principle of `` parallel execution ''.

13.50 – 14.00
Begin to give a position, because. there were very good applications through a specialist. I understand that they can give too much position and I withdraw applications in the dark pool.

14.00 – 14.15
I understand that they can give a lot, steel to close then, what has already been received.

14.15 – 14.25
I don't want to receive 16 too much, when there is hope to get by 15 – I withdraw applications.

14.25 – 14.50
I would like to close at least a small package of software right now. 17, therefore I place orders everywhere, including dark pools.

15.20 – 15.30
I see that dark pools are performing well – still put.

16.25 – 16.35
I think I've closed enough. There is a possibility of going up – I definitely don't need shorts – I withdraw some applications.

17.00 – 17.20
Futures went down, and the share is worth. I conclude that the stock will stand, but under the influence of futures they can give longs – I submit applications for 16.

17.20 – 17.30
It gets scary when the futures accelerate – I remove all bids for 16.

17.30 – 20.20
I do not comment. All actions are similar to those described above..

20.20 – 20.50
Fought off 15. Very poorly canceled applications. Have to catch up (mistake!) – беру 1,7 million by 17.

21.05 – 21.10
An application appears in the offer, which the specialist performs manually.

22.30 – 22.40
In the bidet, across Nasdaq появляется объем на покупку 15 million. This is nothing more than a timid attempt to scare the salespeople.. We take note of the presence of a large player with the manners of a `` puppeteer ''. Later it will be possible to play , how with him, so and against him.

24.00 – 24.10
Fill the level slightly 17, helping to endure 18. Easy prank. In the worst case, we will have 5,5 million in & quot; -1 & quot;.

24.10 – 24.20

27.50 – 28.00
Cancellation of 4 million by 17, gave impetus to blows down.

28.30 – 29.00
No strong signals to take a position here. But it's worth remembering that I have applications for 19, and applications are very good (close to the beginning of the queue). We take.

37.30 – 38.00
It's nice to be out of position in moments of uncertainty!

41.25 – 42.10
While the stock is standing, there is an opportunity to collect dark pools and also close. I start with shorts, because the level 20 looks more reliable than 19.

43.30 – 43.15
Got a position very easily. Hopefully close at + 2 is just as easy.

43.15 – 44.15
Someone is trying to influence the price – puts big bids. I'll bet a little against it. I just want him to film and not interfere with closing my mini-package. (When it's so 'clean'" take a position and close it just as cleanly – it's a great pleasure, I don't want to miss it.)

44.20 – 52.00
I continue to trade through dark pools.

53.00 – 53.20
There was a large order to buy at the market through a specialist. It had to be folded by hand. The specialist thought for a long time and it was canceled. The second time he realized faster.

53.30 – 53.40
note. In the offer, through a specialist stands 99999. The real size is not clear, since the real indication is not visible.

59.55 – 1.00.10
Didn't have time to cancel and exit. Catch up again…

1.00.10 – 1.00.40
Placed in different market centers. Maybe they will do something, even if they go further up.

1.03.10 – 1.03.35
I will roll over on 21 with the expectation of closing before 25.

1.03.50 – 1.04.10
Meanwhile on 20 I leave great requests, which it will be quite possible to use.

1.04.25 – 1.04.35
I'm looking at what I have from applications for 23-24-25.

1.05.50 – 1.06.10
I would like to close by 24, but not the case to wait out the rollback. I go out to the market at the first hint.

1.06.40 – 1.07.00
I want to close the remaining piece and end the day. 100 quite a good result for this.

I seem to have finished, but there are still a lot of good applications. I had to stay and do another 100k.
Day summary 194 000.

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