A bar for financiers opens in Tokyo

A bar for financiers opens in Tokyo

American financiers discuss stocks on reddit, and Japanese - during personal meetings over a glass. A special bar opens in Tokyo. The menu has a cocktail Margin Call - with a bitter taste, obviously.

A bar called Stock Pickers, reported by the media, has become a meeting place and communication for financiers - newcomers are also invited to it, and securities market experts. Made it by the financier, popular on Twitter under the name of Satoshi Uehara. Funds for the project were raised using crowdfunding, the total amount is almost 6 times exceeded the target.

Satoshi, describing your thought, Reported, what the bar intended as a “place, where can you find new friends, investing??». Here you can meet financiers and get advice.

The interior of the bar is decorated with investment books, quotes and jokes about the securities market. The screens show stock quotes and charts. The names of cocktails on the menu also amuse financiers. Margin Call is made from vodka, grenadine and campari - taste with bitterness, to match bitter feelings, which causes a margin call for a trader. In honor of the monetary crisis, which began in 2008 G. with the ruin of Lehman Brothers, named the drink Lehman Shock. Abenomics - joke, understandable to the inhabitants of the land of the rising sun: non-alcoholic cocktail of grapefruit juice and cherry syrup presents a soft economic development policy for Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.

This is the 1st similar establishment in Tokyo., however, the city is famous for its extraordinary bars. Stock Pickers has been full of visitors since opening. Almost all financiers come, to meet Uehara in person, who is on Twitter from above 44 thousand. Signatories. Experienced exchange traders are also curious to meet and chat with beginners, says the bar manager.

The tasks include inviting securities market experts as bartenders, investor contests among guests and almost everything else.

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Before the severe epidemic, retail financiers in the Land of the Rising Sun occupied about sixteen percent of the securities market., at the moment, their share has jumped to twenty one percent. To compare, in the United States, this share is estimated at twenty percent.

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