In search of individualism

Greed and fear move the market. The masses of bidders follow each other to their fate.. That's a fact.. If it wasn't true, successful traders could not earn colossal profits, using herd instincts. If you trader, you have to make a fundamental decision for yourself: will you follow the crowd or go your own way?

Walking against crowds is not easy. Every person has a property but a desire to adapt, to follow the crowd. Following a crowd usually gives us a sense of security., like fish, who float in schools to protect each other. For old people, their age gives a sense of security..

Uncompromising individualists are not always loved, and they may have problems. Remember Heiden Roark, the hero of the novel "Brilliant Head" by writer Ain Rand. Roark is a talented architect - an innovator, which avoids the classic style, so popular among his colleagues, developing modern structures, which fully reflect his creative gift. He is ignored by the mainstream, he cannot find clients and, to feed yourself, forced to work as a career worker or design small projects, such as family houses, gas stations and small office buildings. However, he pays no attention to it.. His goal is not money, glory or recognition. His motivation lies only in the need to express his aesthetic vision.. He does his job for self-satisfaction. For him, building design has nothing to do with trying to improve his social status in the eyes of his peers.. He does this only for aesthetic expression.. He goes his own way and only works on his own terms.. He would rather refuse to work., which will allow the client to change the design. Certainly, Haider Roark is too radical an individualist. When city authorities change the design of its building, he blows up the building and bears responsibility for the consequences of the explosion. Very often, following instincts takes a person far.

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Uncompromising individualists of vitality are worthy and tenacious. At its core, they are confident, and this confidence is strong and true for them. As noted by Dr. Nathaniel Branden, “When we understand the true nature of self-confidence, we see, that it does not originate either in the pursuit of competition, not in comparison with others. It's not about, to rise above others. She has nothing to do with this desire. It's about the happiness of being yourself ".

Successful traders are radical individualists. They see trade as an art form. They don't care about social status and prestige., which gives us wealth. They like it, what are they doing, and they enjoy those benefits, which gives them their occupation, in particular the ability not to be accountable to anyone. They go their own way. This is not a job for them., this vocation. If you can think like an individualist, then you can predict the behavior of the masses and earn on their herd instinct.

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