I go to Forex at Alpari.

All these scammers finally got it from the CME and company futures exchanges. Then the hairpin will be drawn on the half-screen so that the feet of honest people can be removed, then they will slip twenty centimeters with similar consequences, and now, at all, feet are not performed — the price goes further and further, but they sit and do not blow a mustache, will be glad to buy out cheaper, a no brainer. Must, In general, go to forex at Alpari and ForexClub — it's unacceptable there, otherwise these stock dealers have become insolent at all.

Here is the daytime schedule Soybeans Futures. In theory, the stop should work

But the fact of the matter is that in the middle of the day there is a break for grains for two hours and therefore it opened with a gap down.

And there they have such stupid rules on the Exchange that if the stop order does not have time to be executed after passing a distance of five points(specifically for soybeans), then it will never be fulfilled until it comes back. The rule is absolutely stupid, since it turns out that the investor is generally not protected from such cases in any way and must stare at the monitor every minute in order to prevent such a phenomenon. And if at all he went fishing or on a hike for five days, setting, ostensibly protective stop, which is actually not protective at all, but purely decorative? And, самое интересное, that this rule may not apply when it is beneficial to the scammers from the exchange. In the case that everyone remembers — with 10 year notes, when my stop worked at the very top, when the price has passed more than two pips in a few seconds, the order still worked, although it seems like it shouldn't have been according to the same rules (limit- half a point approximately). All in all, что хотят, they do it and nothing will happen to them for it. That's why, it's time to switch to forex at Alpari, greenhouse conditions still in kitchens.

  but the resistance resisted:)

By the way, there are extremists, who play on all shoulders — in this case they would lose all their capital. And it's inside the day — no risk of position rollover every other day, as day traders say. :)
In any kitchen, such transactions would be canceled after the trader contacts the kitchen.. But the exchanges will never do this. — they have a crisis brewing there, we need money ourselves.

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