Multiple position management

How to learn to hold three open positions at the same time? And five or ten?

The answer is simple.

Here, like in sports.


When you first go to the gym, and see how the athlete trains, you are confused.

“Christmas trees… Yes, he does this. His dumbbells weigh from me… How does it withstand such loads?”

When I first started bodybuilding, didn't understand either, how to withstand this.

But then I got involved in the process, trained long and hard
and now a lot of people are fucking with that, how I train myself.

Вот и в трейдинге так же.

First one position, then two, three. Quietly, a breakdown can occur and you will return a step or two back –
from four to five positions to one or two.
But gradually recover, return to the previous peak and gain a foothold there.
Over time, you will develop a craving for new achievements.. Instead of a feeling of fear, there will be excitement and a desire to achieve more..
Then there is little to stop you..

Main – live up to this. Don't give up then, when you are not yet strong.

Remember one thing – if you hit one point for a long time – exactly punch. Need time.

That's all.

A passing trend, Banzai!

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