Investment portfolio management

Investment portfolio (English. investment portfolio) – set of securities and other assets, brought together to achieve specific goals. Any asset can be part of your investment portfolio, from gold and real estate, before stocks and options.

Portfolios are different, some more risky, others more.

But also, portfolios are passive and active. I believe that the investor who decided to create a passive portfolio has already made a mistake, I fell for this mistake.
The briefcase is like a child, he must always be watched, buy new things, abandon old.
And what will happen to a child who is not looked after? Most likely it will be dirty and unattractive..

For an investor who wants to build a passive portfolio, I think, it is better to contact a manager or invest in mutual funds, close to his own vision of the portfolio structure.

An investor who is ready to actively trade and look after the portfolio is simply obliged to do this. Here is a good example of an active portfolio from Gainsfort., the portfolio is of course not the best in terms of profitability, but the concept of what portfolio management is.

  Holiday greetings.
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