Smart mobile phone, or what is Smartphone

The word "smartphone" is on everyone's lips today. For kids, born in the 2000s, this is an ordinary mobile phone, which many have. They may not even guess, that we once carried in our pockets heavy, thick mobile phones of a large size with a small black and white screen, in which, in addition to the call function, an alarm clock was provided, calculator, calendar and one or two simple games like tetris or snake. But it really was. And it was just like that until the 2000s. At the beginning 21 centuries, mobile phones began to change dramatically. Yes, they changed before - monochrome screens were replaced by color, more interesting games appeared, etc.. But in the new millennium, a real revolution has occurred - smartphones and communicators have appeared..

Smartphone или Communicator?

Today, the boundaries between these two devices are almost completely blurred.. And if you stayed somewhere, then they do not play a significant role. However, at the dawn of their formation, these devices had a fundamental difference.. The main difference is in the roots. “Smartphone” in English means “smart phone”. Отсюда следует, that it came from cell phones. In other words, this is a mobile device, which has advanced functionality, provides options, computer-specific. For example, access to the World Wide Web, sending email, installation of additional programs. In its turn, The Communicator is a Pocket PC (PDA), supplemented by the ability to make calls, send SMS.

С годами smartphones and communicators improved: their functionality was expanded, improved appearance and so on. And gradually the boundaries between them were blurred more and more.. As a result, it became unimportant, what are their names. The first few years, such models had a fairly high price.. Therefore, those acquired them, who really needed additional features. Today they have become quite affordable.. Conventional mobile phones are already produced in a very limited range.. All efforts are aimed at creating more and more “smart” devices.

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Some characteristics of smartphones

Most modern models have a touch screen, and therefore its size is impressive - it can reach 6,5 inches (16,5 cm). However, there are models with a physical keyboard., in this case the screen, certainly, will be noticeably less - about 2-2,5 inches (~ 5-6 cm).

The functionality of the device is directly dependent on the platform, on which it is developed. All operating systems are divided into open and closed for a third-party developer.. The first include, for example, Android, Symbian OS. To the second - iOS, Windows Phone. Some are used only in devices of a particular brand, for example iOS is developed exclusively for iPhone from Apple. Others can be supported by a wide range of mobile technology. These include Android - one of the most common operating systems.

If you talk in more detail about the functions of "smart" phones, you won't be wrong, Saying, that they are limitless. A variety of programs are being developed today, among them are both entertaining and suitable for serious business. Initially, MP3 players began to be built into phones., video players, photo- and camcorders, download exciting games ... They do the same today, but even bigger and better.

As business applications, you can highlight the task and goal planner, password manager, data synchronizer and many other programs. It is indisputable, that one of the main advantages of "smart" devices is the ability to access the Internet. Therefore, all modern models provide a Wi-Fi module.. For motorists, the availability of a GPS module and an application with city maps is indispensable..

The choice of multifunctional mobile devices is really wide today. A large catalog is presented on this page -

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