Steve Jobs died – brilliant inventor, changed the world

Steve Jobs died (12 photo)

The death of the founder of the concern Apple Steve jobs was one of the main topics of comments in the German press. A genius passed away, Edison 20 century, a man who managed to combine capitalism and pop culture, newspapers write.

5 October 2011 Steve Jobs died at the age of 56 years. US President Barack Obama expressed condolences and called Jobs the embodiment of the spirit of American ingenuity.Russian President Dmitry Medvedev wrote on his Twitter "Such people, like Steve Jobs, changing our world. My sincere condolences to the family and everyone, who appreciated his intelligence and talent.". In the United States, upon learning of Jobs' death, crowds of Americans came to Apple stores in New York, Los Angeles and other cities. People brought flowers, ставили candles, left cards with condolences

Steve Jobs influenced the modern world of computer technology like no other. He was a pioneer and inventor.. He grew up in difficult conditions., he was raised by his adoptive parents., he was a man, who left the world a huge digital legacy. The founder of the concern Apple died, pioneer in the world of modern computer technology, inventor of Smartphone, iPhone, iPad. Стив Джобс – Edison 20 century, whose inventions changed the world.

Steve Jobs rarely spoke publicly about himself and people., whose names are behind the brand Apple, about those, who gave the world iPhone and iPad. But one day he did it. – during the graduation ball at Stanford University in June 2005 of the year. “If you look to the future, then you will not be able to understand all the causal relationships, – he said, addressing graduates. – This becomes possible, only when you look back. But you have to believe that., that individual elements will necessarily in the future be formed into a single mosaic. You have to trust your intuition., believe in karma, судьбу, a life, into something”.

Стив Джобс, his belief in himself, in the literal sense of the word is truly legendary. Instinct never let him through.. He knew for sure., what the consumer expects. His desire to control the process to the last detail made him famous.. His temperament and sense of humor were legendary..

Steve Jobs has always been a searcher., because the search and pursuit of perfection in everything are inextricably linked with each other. 24 February 1955 years immediately after his birth, Jobs' mother – unmarried student gave Steve to foster care. Jobs grew up with foster parents in Silicon Valley, his father was a simple hired worker.

As a teenager, Steve experimented with drugs., after six months of study, he dropped out of university, and in 1976 together with a friend in the garage of his parents founded Apple.

Jobs became a legend during his lifetime, because he managed to combine capitalism with pop culture. In the early 80s, supporters of American President Ronald Reagan called Jobs a millionaire, which independently, without anyone's help managed to carry out “the American Dream”. Apple products attract with brilliant design. She, On the one side, is an attribute of independence, with another – binds the consumer to itself. It was these contradictions that were the impulses for Steve Jobs., it was they who he left a legacy..

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Jobs professed Zen Buddhism in his speech, pronounced at Stanford, quoth: “Thoughts on that, that I will die soon, make me think. This is what, which helps me make the most important decisions. Практически все: expectations, any manifestations of pride, fear of betrayal, стыд – becomes insignificant in the face of death. All that remains is, what makes sense”.

Steve Jobs died at the age of 56 years, a few weeks after that, how he resigned from the post of head of the American concern Apple. Jobs is one of the most influential American entrepreneurs in the field of information technology. He made Apple a pioneer in the computer industry.: iPhone, iPad and his other inventions were revolutionary in computer technology.

Apple Corporation must now do without its charismatic founder.. Its new head Tim cook replaced jobs, when he could not manage the concern for health reasons. Cook has a reputation as a brilliant manager, which is able to make decisions quickly. This week, for the first time as head of the corporation, he introduced a new version of Smartphone. – iPhone 4S, That, however, disappointed connoisseurs: it practically did not differ from the previous model. But, as Cook promised in August, Apple will remain in the future “magical country”

Steve Jobs founded Apple in 1976 with Steve Wozniak (Steve Wozniak) and Ronald Wayne (Ronald Wayne). IN 1985 He left due to disagreements with the top management of the corporation., and in 1997 the year returned and with 2000 he became its CEO himself..

In August 2011 Steve Jobs after a long vacation left the post of head of Apple. The CEO of the company was Tim cook (Tim Cook), replacing Jobs with 17 January 2011 of the year, when he went on sick leave. At the same time, Steve Jobs was elected chairman of the board of directors of Apple.

In his letter to the company's employees, Jobs then said: "I've always said, what if that day comes, when I can no longer meet my responsibilities and expectations as CEO, I'll be the first to let you know.. Unfortunately, that day has come.".

Apple and Jobs himself did not report on the reasons, made it impossible for the manager to return to the management of the company. However, journalists and bloggers agreed., that the reason for this decision was the state of health of Jobs.

Steve Jobs has repeatedly experienced health problems. IN 2003 Steve Jobs was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, which was successfully operated on in 2004 year. IN 2008 Jobs lost a lot of weight, which provoked rumors of a possible recurrence of pancreatic cancer. In summer 2009 of the year became known, that Jobs underwent liver transplant surgery.

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Apple is the largest IT company in the world with a market capitalization of more than 300 billion dollars. IN 2010 She took the title away from Microsoft.. Apple Releases Macs and MacBooks, as well as a line of portable devices, which includes iPhones, iPod players and iPad.

Computer genius

IN 1976 G. Steve Jobs, together with his comrades, founded Apple Inc. – company, which forever set the vector of development of personal computer technology. He was one of the first to realize the huge commercial potential of the graphical user interface., using the mouse and controlling with the help of "clicks" - then, what we see today on almost every personal computer.

Early Allies

Steve Jobs died (12 photo)

Jobs met another co-founder of Apple, Stephen Wozniak (in the picture – sits) working as a student intern at the notorious Company Hewlett-Packard. Jobs enrolled in Reed College, however, just a semester later he abandoned it and in 1974 Returned to Silicon Valley, where, together with Wozniak, he began to attend meetings of the Homebrew computer club (i.e. "Samodelkina").

Revolution in a box

Steve Jobs died (12 photo)

Apple's first computer could be found in Bay Area stores, and it was worth 666 Dollars 66 Cents. It was a set of printed circuit boards., placers of parts and 16 instruction pages. To assemble a working device, the user had to get another power supply somewhere, keyboard and monitor.

Young Eagle

Steve Jobs died (12 photo)

With the technical skill of Jobs could be compared only to his abilities as an entrepreneur. His unshakable stubbornness and faith in his ideas led to a lot of disagreements with colleagues and critics., earning him a reputation as a tough and picky leader.


Steve Jobs died (12 photo)

IN 1983 G. Jobs invited PepsiCo President John Scully (in the picture – in the center) share the reins of Apple with him and Wozniak. However, the cooperation did not work out., as the market downturn soon led to a suspension of production and forced Apple leaders to rethink their marketing and technical strategies.. TO 1985 G. Jobs was ousted from the company, one of the founders of which he was.

Что было дальше

Steve Jobs died (12 photo)

Jobs' resignation, Seemed, only spurred his desire to reshape the world of personal computers. His next venture, NeXT Computer, perfected what Apple had achieved., and created the next PC in an elegant magnesia alloy case, with an advanced graphical interface for those times, built-in Ethernet port and many other successful technical solutions. The device was too expensive, to get wide distribution, but he set the vector of development of the next generation of personal computers.

Возвращение в Apple

Steve Jobs died (12 photo)

In Jobs' absence, Apple went with the flow., and even nearly went bankrupt in the mid-90s. Finally, in 1996 G. the company announced, what NeXT Computer buys for 429 million dollars, and thus Steve Jobs returns to the boso of the company he founded.. TO 1998 G. Jobs appointed Acting CEO.

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Jobs at work

Steve Jobs died (12 photo)

Many innovations, used in NeXT computers, found their application in the next generation of Apple computers. Jobs restored the reputation of the firm, producing a range of brilliant products, such as iMac, and corrected commercial affairs, opening a network of retail outlets, which sold exclusively equipment and accessories Apple.


Steve Jobs died (12 photo)

Besides, over the years outside of Apple, Jobs bought and contributed to the development of the computer animation studio Pixar. The first artistic product of the studio is the cartoon "Toy Story" (Toy Story), выпущенный в 1995 G., Gathered 360 million dollars, and made the studio one of the weighty figures of Hollywood. Since then, the studio has released a number of highly successful films., including such masterpieces, as "Find Nemo", «Cars», «Volly», and "Up". IN 2006 G. "Disney" bought the studio for 7,4 billion dollars, and Jobs became the owner of a solid stake in the legendary company.

Rock and roll

Steve Jobs died (12 photo)

IN 2001 G. Jobs has made a new revolution in the world of electronic gadgets, by introducing an iPod. In terms of functionality, the novelty slightly surpassed earlier versions of players., but it was easy to use and stylish design. At the same time, iTunes – a virtual network store – started working, which forever changed the face of the music industry. Members of the legendary band U2, Bono and Edge (in the picture) supported Jobs' initiative, and participated in the presentation of the iPod in 2004 G.


Steve Jobs died (12 photo)

IN 2007 G. Jobs turned his attention to cellular communication. In the same year, he introduced the world to the iPhone., which the, available in June, quickly sold out more 6 millions of copies and equaled in popularity with some brands, present on the market for years, e.g. with Blackberry. iPhone is not only a mobile phone, it is also an Internet point with an advanced user interface and a large library of applications, created by an extensive army of Apple programmers and just enthusiasts.

New beginnings

Steve Jobs died (12 photo)

In January 2010 Jobs announced that, that soon Apple will introduce a new mini-computer. Essentially similar to the iPhone, it will have a much larger screen size, that will make such things more convenient and enjoyable, as reading, games and viewing video. The novelty was the same success, as its predecessors. The day before yesterday, official sales of the iPad in Russia began. Known, that in business and technology, Stephen Jobs is guided by the motto of the famous hockey player Wayne Gretzky: "I'm rushing there., where the puck will be, and not there, where it is or has been".

In his letter to the company's employees, Jobs then said: “I've always said, what if that day comes, when I can no longer meet my responsibilities and expectations as CEO, I'll be the first to let you know.. Unfortunately, этот день настал”.

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