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Ассоциации торговцев и банков просят Януковича подписать закон о депозитарной системе

Commenting on requests from other market participants to veto the law, AUFT and NABU explain them by the difficulty of maintaining objectivity in conditions, when government initiatives directly affect the commercial interests and potential competitive advantages of some of the infrastructure entities and their shareholders.

"Stock market Украины годами находится заложником конкурентной борьбы и амбиций участников рынка, which does not allow to overcome his systemic underdevelopment, as well as inefficiency and fragmentation of infrastructure. Therefore, the creation of a multivariate clearing system (that is, when these functions can be performed by the central securities depository, and stock exchanges, and specialized clearing institutions) will not budge the problem ", – the authors of the letter think.

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  plan of 10 november
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