Trading — awesomely difficult task? :)

Another duck has recently been launched on the Internet, the brief essence of which is, what Trading офигенно сложное занятие сродни чуть ли не учениям по космическим разработкам и, that's why, in trading, without preliminary qualified training for a long time, делать нечего — drain provided. A favorite comparison with surgeons is often given., what they have been studying for five years, and then they also practice the same amount…..

Honestly, I don't understand what can be taught in stock speculation for five years. During this time, every minute to inspire the student that he needs to sell at a higher price than he bought? Or it is very difficult to remember where the `` buy '' button in the trading terminal is, and where to `` sell ''?

На днях на ютубе посмотрел movie "Floored" with Russian captions, where semi-literate traders in the pit have been making money for twenty years or more, until the era of e-commerce came and they were overboard, because they cannot learn to operate a computer…. comments on the mental abilities of pit traders, as they say, redundant. But after all, they earned before without any high knowledge. — bought cheaper, immediately sold for a higher price, that's all you need to do. People in real markets (bazaars) at all, meet even without secondary education, and in the trade in potatoes or oranges, they will give odds to any academician with knowledge of Newton's binomials and the non-marking of the process.

But, in fact, an explanation of the origin of these opinions that trading needs to be learned, найти легко, it lies on the surface. For sure, many people know the novice phenomenon, when a person, came to the market and unfamiliar with the trading stamps, without any experience and knowledge doubles and doubles your deposit, just playing with logic and following the price movement without any distractions, Sort of, stochastic is already overbought, or the P / E ratio is too high, or something else.

  Question to specialists, h.2

This newbie effect, of course, alarming the owners" financial markets and, so to kill him at the root, staffing units are allocated, so-called gurus and trainers for zombifying newbies, instilling losing stamps on them so that the trade of beginners is predictable and you can always take money from them without much difficulty. That is why we have received in recent years 3-4 всевозможные семинары и courses "зомбированной торговли" — they explain the rules of the `` correct" trade in the form of stamps, such as trade only from levels with short stops….   and there, at levels, the owners of the markets are already waiting in ambush" and just collect the ownerless feet in both directions. And of course, give some percentage to coaches, for merit, so to speak… :)

Another opinion and something else…

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