Note for traders: Products for depression

Regardless of, what causes depression, the products below can help you get out of it. And even if the depression doesn't go away completely, the mood will improve for sure. Certainly, the causes of depression need to be addressed, and it is better to do this in combination with the use of the products listed below - then the recovery from depression will be faster and more effective. At all, it is better to approach the problem of overcoming depression in a comprehensive manner, so let's take a look at a few important points and list a few more ways to improve your mood..


Before moving on to the list of natural antidepressant foods, a few words should be said about the daily routine and proper nutrition. The fact, that adherence to the daily routine is a very important point, because the mood and physical well-being of a person very much depends on, whether a person is in harmony with the time of day or not

It is optimal to get up in the morning at sunrise, when all nature awakens, and go to bed at about 21:00 – 22:00, then the body, and mind, and the human nervous system rests in the best possible way, which is very important, if we want to eliminate depression. Physical exercise should be included in the daily routine. (or at least a warm-up), а также душ – утром и вечером. Water treatments are also a remedy for depression..

As for the diet, you should know here, what foods are best to eat at what time; avoid foods, which do not suit you; знать, how to cook and eat properly. All this can be learned from lectures on Ayurveda - the oldest science of human health.. There is a lot of information about the correct daily routine, she is important and useful, therefore worthy of careful study.

Food consumption by time of day

Depression foods are, first of all, sweet fruits and berries, the taste and aroma you like. Know, what if you don't like the taste or aroma of a product, be it fruit, vegetables, berries or other food, then it doesn't suit you now, therefore it should not be eaten, even if it is "extremely useful".

You also need to know, that most fruits and berries contain solar energy - the energy of joy, positive and enthusiastic, while vegetables contain more lunar energy - the energy of relaxation and tranquility. For this reason, it is best not to mix solar and lunar foods., and eat separately, at different meals. Fruits and berries are best consumed in the morning., in the first half of the day, than in the evening or at night, because they invigorate, give a boost of energy.

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In the afternoon you can too. But vegetables are better to eat in the late afternoon., especially stewed or boiled - they will soothe and relax. You can eat raw vegetables during the day., as they have a lot of prana - vital energy, which is needed to replenish reserves in the body.

Knowing this, we can control our mood and well-being to some extent, which will help improve health and get out of depression.

Best foods for depression

The following products will be listed, That, usually, contain predominant positive energies, energies of goodness. Science says, that foods are good for the vitamins they contain, microelements, minerals, fabrics (fiber), carbohydrates, жирами, proteins and various chemical compounds. It's true., but Ayurveda focuses our attention on energies, which these products contain. There are energies of goodness, passion and ignorance, and it is best to use foods to get out of depression, saturated with the power of goodness. Consider now the most blissful products:

ANIS – сладковатая специя, containing a lot of energy of goodness. Increases optimism, improves mood. Ground anise can be added not only to dishes, but also in drinks.

BADIAN – тоже специя в благости, повышает жизнерадостность, eliminates stress and depression.

BANANA – один из самых благостных продуктов. Banana gives calmness and optimism., positively influences thinking and emotions, softens the hard temper.

BARBERRY – одна из лучших ягод для лечения депрессии, as it greatly increases optimism. Dried barberry works too, it can be crushed and added to tea or other drinks. Better to eat in the morning, but it is possible a little during the day.

ГРУША – содержит в себе много энергии радости, strongly boosts optimism, therefore it is also an excellent mood enhancer.

GOLDEN ROOT (also called Rhodiola Rosea) Is a pretty strong natural remedy for depression, therefore can only be used in the morning in very small quantities (add the powder to a drink or chew a piece of the root). It is better not to use the golden root during the day and in the evening., as it can cause overexcitation of the nervous system.

CARDAMON GREEN (отличается от черного внешним видом – зеленая коробочка и светлые зернышки внутри) - a very useful spice, which, in addition to many useful medicinal properties, eliminates depressive conditions. It can be consumed at any time of the day..

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RASPBERRY – повышает настроение, gives optimism, увеличивает жизнерадостность.

– сам по себе очень полезный продукт, when ripe. Doesn't grow in our country, but they bring him here, ripping off green, immature. Alternatively, buy dried mango. Good product for treating depression.

MILK (cow) – продукт благости, comforting. But this is not a sunny product, and the lunar, therefore, in the daytime in its raw form, most people do not digest. So drink (сырым) better in the evening before bedtime, or in the morning, preferably before sunrise. Milk porridge and other dishes, cooked in milk, well absorbed during the day. Most of the beneficent foods can be added to milk. (sweetish) специй, honey or sugar, from which the antidepressant effect is significantly enhanced. It is good to drink some sweetened hot milk with cardamom and fennel at night., you can also add a little nutmeg. In the morning, you can add other beneficial spices to milk., listed here.

NUTMEG – пряность, containing the energies of goodness and passion. More should be said about this spice., as it is one of the strongest natural remedies for depression. Muscat relaxes, calms the psyche, eliminates negative emotions, returns clarity of thoughts, gives a feeling of calmness and bliss, and in large quantities - prolonged euphoria. One or two medium-sized nuts can lift a person out of a severe crisis., but should be taken into account, what essential oils, contained in nutmeg, not very favorable for the gastrointestinal tract, therefore, you should be careful not to overdo it with the "dosage".

You can mix ground nutmeg with kefir, then the stomach can handle it more easily, and the taste will not be so sweet. It is better to use it in the morning and never at night.. The effect of relaxation and pacification does not come immediately (after half an hour, sometimes even an hour or two - until the action gains full strength), and lasts from several hours to a day.

Nutmeg's action usually impairs performance, and it is advisable not to engage in heavy physical activity; better relax, отдохнуть, listen to calm music, посмотреть позитивный movie или провести время на природе. During this time, communication with negative people should be avoided., as the effect will decrease. Also, the effect of nutmeg is reduced in the cold or in water.. Provide yourself with a warm and cozy environment, then you get the most out of nutmeg treatment for depression.

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There is a website on the Internet, completely dedicated to nutmeg, where you can read about this product and how to use it in more detail. Some people consider him a drug, since in large doses it gives euphoria, however, from the point of view of science and esotericism, this is not the case. Nevertheless, you should not get carried away with large dosages of nutmeg, because, as mentioned above, there is also a negative side - it is harmful to the digestive tract.

When it comes to small doses, it's an extremely healthy spice., which can be consumed every day by almost any person without harm to health. Has a vasodilator, warming, antispasmodic action, improves digestion, boosts immunity and even relieves pain. Used to be nutmeg, due to a wide range of useful properties, was worth its weight in gold, now cheaper and available to everyone.

MED – концентрат энергии любви, 100% energies of goodness, therefore, an excellent tool for improving not only the mood and tone of the body, but also for the treatment of many diseases. When choosing honey, be careful - buy only that, which has a fresh and pleasant scent, and also tastes, which you really like. Only one or two types of honey from the entire assortment on the market may suit you.

CONDENSED MILK – любимый многими продукт с самого детства. Contains milk (one of the most blissful foods) and sugar, which is a concentrate of goodness. This combination makes condensed milk a great way to lift your mood and treat depression.. Half a can or a can is enough for an adult., to "let it go". You can add some antidepressant spices to condensed milk.

SWEET (licorice root) - the strongest remedy for depression, gives great power of optimism. You can eat this product only in the morning..

DATE FRUIT – несет в себе огромную силу благости, strongly improves mood.

ROSE HIP, THE ROSE, KARKADE – это разновидности розы, and these plants are also saturated with positive energy of goodness.

All these products, как и другие, containing solar positive energy, miraculously help relieve depression. The explanation is very simple.: depression is the result of a lack of blissful energy, that's why, eating blissful food, we fill the lack of positive and get out of depression.

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