
новый термин

not sure, what is it really funny, but still.
in the light of another `` decline in the euro on doubts about blah blah blah '',
I thought that the whole class of this kind of news could be called "Greek traffic lights".
from that, that when markets green commentators write positive blah blah blah about Greece,
when the markets turn red, then about the negative.
it's all about the usual market dynamics.
maybe the ebb and flow of antiquity too '' explained" the anger / joy of comrades from Olympus?) 

sampling decides everything

you often hear from people, they say all the friend is bulls or bears.
but I never. there will always be an opposite opinion.



bonds sell, because stocks are rising, who grow because, that they will buy bonds (Greek rumors).

palmistry is losing talents

on the chart is some kind of Chinese GDP per person. dotted lines – random the death of leaders.
conclusions? не поверите: "The sudden death of a president can trigger sweeping, unexpected changes in a nation’s economy."

though, maybe comrades just wrote a note, and it was not they who inflated the conclusions. бывает же такое. скажешь, that the length of the skirts correlates with the dynamics of the stock market, and then, in a godforsaken country, the professor will ask students about the skirt indicator.. make yourself know who is praying to whom and what will happen in the future.

but the very idea of ​​drawing conclusions from such a relationship….

on tip [info]uzhas_sovka 

accidentally spied

found out today, that `` the markets reacted positively to the discount rate hike ''. slept very little on weekends, подумал, maybe something has been forgotten already. I reread the previous post and remembered the selof beaten off just before lunch.

selside generates brilliant ideas on two occasions: from laziness / inattention / haste (like mine) or from that, what people really think is, what do they write.

shl. people have stupor. IoR wanted & quot; yorom" so to call, in the end he said it seems `` interest in reserves ''. maybe because, that in the conditions of the domestic domestic onalitega such a concept does not exist..

thank you Ben for a happy childhood

huh.. заходишь, it means late at night in LJ and you see, that the Fed raised the rate.
me here on Saturday about the consensus and scenarios on 2010 speech push.
they say they will raise rates, but not now, but everyone will start with a discount rate and / or a rate on reserves.
and here it is…

not, I think, some kind of stupidity.
Well, I don’t rewrite everything that I have sculpted for a whole week)
and early, and the market did not react much.
lo and behold,but really a discount.

даже к добру. otherwise they will start asking, who are you such a nice person, so as not to believe in G.P. Morgan's happiness,
and I answer them all – and who's on me with ben?)

Marteg's new book.

Say, Dr. Mart writes a book.
Нам стало известно, what ;)

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