
Day trading for 3 December

DTE : DTE Energy Company Bought on the continuation of the upward trend GME : GameStop Corp HUM : Humana Inc

TGT : Target Corporation

Target Corporation (Target) united in 1902 year, operates on general merchandise stores with a general assortment of goods and food, as well as SuperTarget stores with food line and general merchandise items. offers an assortment of generic products, including many items, located in the stores of the company and additional assortment, such as expanded colors and sizes, only sold online. The company operates in two segments: retail and credit card. The retail segment includes all of its merchandising operations, including its general merchandise and discount grocery stores in the United States and their integrated online business. Credit Card Segment offers credit to qualified guests through its own brand of credit cards, target visa and target card (more REDcards).

Stock symbol or ticker, what it is ?

Символ акции или тикер — это короткая аббревиатура, used to uniquely identify publicly traded shares of a particular stock on a particular stock market. The stock symbol may consist of letters, numbers or combinations thereof. "Ticker symbol" refers to the symbols, which were printed on the ticker tape of the ticker tape device. История фондовых символов США В Соединенных Штатах современные тикеры, consisting only of letters, were developed by the Standard agency & Poor’s (S&P), to introduce a national investment standard. Previously, one company could have many different tickers, as they varied across dozens of individual stock markets. Термин «тикер» относится к шуму, published by ticker tape machines, which were once widely used on stock exchanges. System S&P was later standardized in the securities industry and modified over time. Preferred stock symbols are not standardized. Примеры фондовых символов США А – Аджилент Технологии C – Ситигруп БАК – Банк Америки BRK.B – Berkshire Hathaway (class B shares) КО – Компания Кока-Кола HNZ – Компания HJ Heinz МСФТ – Майкрософт ВАГ – Уолгринс ТГТ – Целевая корпорация WMT – Уол-Март MMM – 3M Company HPQ – Хьюлетт-Паккард ИНТЦ – Интел TXN — Техасские инструменты Раньше взгляд на символ акций США и прилагаемые к нему коды позволял инвестору определить, Where the shares are traded; However, in July 2007 The SEC Approved the Rule Change, позволяющее

Stock symbol or ticker, what it is ? Read more

Jokes about the stock exchange

One person won the lottery 50 million and went to an investment fund. The specialist advises: – 10 million invest in bonds, 10 million in “blue chips“, 10 million in risky stocks, 10 million in real estate, and on 10 million buy rockets and fire on the Arabs. – Why?!! – the lucky one is surprised. – I do not know for sure, – specialist answers, – but the Jews do just that. Stock analyst and broker collide at the elevator. Broker (maliciously): – well, even now you will say – up or down? Analyst Response: – We need a clear definition on which floor we are now. In any case, we will not rise above the roof, and don't go below the basement. Although it is possible that, that the elevator gets stuck or the direction of travel changes due to an emergency.

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