TEACH ME FOR FREE!!! Fuck, every day or every other day I receive letters of the same content. I don’t squeal.. Fair, that's why I decided to pos
TEACH ME FOR FREE!!! Fuck, every day or every other day I receive letters of the same content. I don’t squeal.. Fair, that's why I decided to pos
Confess, I'm already tired of talking, but we must finish what we started. Hope, this is the last spoken post on this issue. Then — only states. It happened, only a small part of the discussion participants mastered what to watch the video. And I can understand them. So I decided to do something like decrypting the content 30 minute video and now you can quickly with […]
Motivation is a strange thing. Dan tells an interesting experience, in which one group of people was asked a problem and asked to solve for a while, the second promised money for the solution. Which group do you think solved the problem faster? – first, and, which was not promised money. Why?? Watching the video.
so, work on the project in terms of duplication is completed. Translated 4 medium length videos 40 minutes. All who carried out op…
With 22 October GT Capital Group launches a competition in the official communities of the company in social networks. To participate, it is enough to join one of the company's communities - on Facebook or VKontakte – "Like" the post about the contest and share this message with your friends. Those of the participants, whose shares will get the most likes, become the winners of the competition. The company will give the winners in each of the communities free access to the tutorial "Complete video course from professional traders of GT Capital on trading American stocks". The video course contains detailed information about the structure of exchanges and trading., the relationship between bidding, market participants, news background and price chart movement. Knowing these smallest details will help you understand clearly, what happens to the market, and in which direction you should move in your development.
A short video about the sector selection in addition to reporting and news in-play promotions.
The selection procedure is quite simple:
1) average
The very first and currently the only full-scale meeting with Bano Tiy – laconic, but a highly professional trader…
I'm sorry for the sound… something went wrong after rearranging the camtasia, in the near future I will try to find a way to rectify the situation
scared, because the person in the video says exactly the right things, but does it with the air of a sectarian. seem to be, that I understand the work of financial
With the development of such unique tools, as advisors and automated Forex systems, each trader has the opportunity to trade profitably on the foreign exchange market. At the same time, the level of theoretical qualifications and practical experience of the player faded into the background.. Automatic trading on the international foreign exchange market Forex - process, not run by humans, and a special program, which is built into the trading terminal. This program is an advisor / trading robot – can independently close and open positions in accordance with clearly defined algorithms. Trade with Professional Forex Experts (for example from the Forex Investor company) has the following advantages: Firstly, programs run without interruption, what, by definition, a person cannot do (he is – trader); Secondly, the advisor can be configured in accordance with your own trading strategy - the trading robot will give signals, and also close / open only those positions, which the player needs; Thirdly, the advisor is able to track several (and even all) currency pairs, which helps to increase the trader's income; Fourth, Forex experts insure against mistakes and exclude the impact of emotions on the trading process; And finally, enable market beginners to start their Forex careers with a minimum set of practical experience. Известный разработчик ПО для автоматизированной торговли на международном валютном рынке – компания Forex Investor, founded in June 2010 of the year. За два года работы база клиентов компании превысила 30 thousands of people. Советники и …