
8 topical advice to the trader

1) Don't trade on tilt Don't even think about it. No matter how upset you are with the cons , as soon as you feel tilt, close the terminal immediately. Nothing has such a detrimental effect on your deposit, like tilt. After trading a whole week, it won't be fun for you to lose all this result in a few trades on tilt. Or force yourself to close the terminal, or you can not count on the withdrawal of money. 2) Trade with risk management, that risk management advice is incredibly simple, sometimes it seems, that many traders try to find any excuse, not to follow these rules. Before diving into strategy, learn to manage your money. If you are trading beyond your capabilities, even the best strategy won't help you win money all the time.

About politics

As you can see, I try to bypass the topic of politics., but found a useful video for those, who does not understand legal nuances. The man is simple and understandable

6 motivational quotes for traders

№ 1. Find a job you like, and you don't have to work a single day in your life. © Confucius Old as the world, but damn true. Everyone has such acquaintances, who are happy or, at least, satisfied with their work. On the other hand, most people live on Friday night. It's worth adding here, what, despite, that many may like to trade for, say, couple of years, sooner or later it can turn into a routine. If you want to continue to "love" to trade, you have to find a way to get new trading experiences all the time, or, at least, have a good work-life balance.

Warm up before trading

Do you usually prepare for the upcoming session, mentally setting yourself up for trading, or you just sit down and trade? All professional athletes and those who are simply seriously interested in a particular sport must warm up before playing or performing.. This includes practicing techniques, conversations with teammates, run, stretching, analysis of the strategy, etc.. For most traders, the warm-up consists only in the process of starting the computer.. In general, traders do not understand the importance of such warm-ups at all.. It's not their fault, as usually in the trading literature, this is practically not paid attention to. If you want to gain an advantage over lazy traders, who don't take trading seriously, a warm-up will be a good start for this.

Some tips on psychology

What is the biggest mistake novice traders make, which subsequently prevents them from developing? The classic mistake – lack of the right approach to learning and, often, its almost complete absence. The fact, what trade- this is one of those rare fields of activity, in which there is no direct relationship between the correct action and the result. Respectively, there is no opportunity to fully learn in the trading process. Beginner traders approach the exchange as an ordinary craft and devote a lot of time to practice, acquiring the wrong habits, ridiculous delusions and stereotypes of behavior.

Amibroker, continuation.

This is a continuation of the previous post about Amibroker. As it turned out, other owners of this program have such a glitch, like mine, not

10 tips for success and efficiency for a trader

1) Learn and improve your knowledge: Choose this way of learning, which suits you perfectly: Watch more videos? Write down thoughts, analyzing trade often? Take an active part in forums? Trade very carefully and learn from other traders? A good start would be to take part in a discussion on some forum and study the training material there.. Choose the best and, immediately, start learning. Be persistent and stick to your schedule. Familiarize yourself with the related software and learn how to use it effectively. You want to be a confident earning trader? Your time = money. Spending time honing strategy = investing in future profits. Strive to get the most out of this investment. Try different things, find out, how it works, and use them in trading accordingly.

Interim results of an exchange startup

Exchange, as a startup. Sounds pretty unusual. A huge number of legal issues immediately come to mind, regulatory turmoil, etc.. It would seem that, just don't start like that. But, as many people know, there are successful attempts to resist the bureaucracy of the financial world. The history of this confrontation is, of course, largely a virtual component - electronic payment systems. And as we well know, world of software, albeit virtual, with due skill and perseverance, it is quite realistically monetized. The history of the development of such a confrontation / addition can be painted for a long time. But we will focus on one of the extreme events of this front: cryptocurrencies. And even narrow the narrative even further: cryptocurrency exchanges.

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