
Financial crisis – reasons and explanation (1 part)

This Video – part of the thesis in media design by Jonathan Jarvis (Media Design Program, the Art Center College of Design in Pasadena). Its purpose was to briefly and clearly state the main reasons for, circumstances and prerequisites of the global financial crisis in simple and understandable words.

TONY MILANDES – tonic story

Video about the musician TONY MILANDES, who was born without hands, but dreamed of playing guitar, he was not stopped by his disability and he made his dream come true. So never tell yourself “I CAN NOT”, you must always speak ” I CAN”, “I WANT”, “I WILL BE AN ENGINE NO LONGER LOOKING AT ANYTHING”. Believe in yourself and you will succeed. GOOD LUCK!!!

Boiler room / Boiler Room фильм 2000 of the year

Description: Have you ever wondered, why some people win millions of dollars in the lottery, You are not? Why do you earn 4 thousand. dollars a year, and the secretary from Microsoft 140 thousand. Dollars? Why is some dunce rolling out on a brand new Ferrari?, and you barely saved up for a used Volvo? Are these people smarter or better than you ?!?

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