
Мoмentuм Investing. The Complete Guide to Daytrading High. Growing, volatile stocks, their impulses (Ken Wolff)

The purpose of this book is, to create a clear picture, explaining step by step, how to invest your own money in the stock market, through your personal computer, using my investment methods, what I think is the safest and most profitable stock trading system for a small investor. I've polished my methods so much over the years, that they deserve to be on a par with the best tools on Wall Street, and give profit, more than the best mutual fund can bring. Using my methods, you can make a living, trading less than $ 20,000; they can be used as a beginner, so hardened day trader. I have taught successfully as amateurs, and professionals, making a profit by trading my methods 80 % portfolio profit for two months. Just imagine: you work at home, Live, Where you want, while making good money! I have one student, which the, trading on 36 foot yacht, in one month from enclosed $ 3000 Did $ 33,000.

NYSE day trading – seminar 27.02

Again, here's a clipping from the weekly workshop. – nyse day trading with analysis of my students' transactions.

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Laura Pedersen (Laura Pedersen)

Laura Pedersen (Laura Pedersen) started working on Wall Street in 17 years; in 20 years she, By the way, was the youngest, which had its own place on the American Stock Exchange (her employer rented this place for her, since she did not pass the age to own it). Before reaching another 24 years, she did 1,5 million. Doll. Growing up on the outskirts of d. Buffalo, Pedersen is a born entrepreneur: at the age of six she was selling tomatoes from her mother's garden, played poker and bet on horses; asked for company shares at ten years old “Pepsi-Cola” as a birthday present; in 14 years went to New York on an excursion to the American Stock Exchange (АМЕХ). After her first boring semester at the University of Michigan, she dropped out.. “If I wanted to be a movie star, – she reflected, – I think, I would head west, to Hollywood; and since I was only striving to make a fortune, I flew east, on Wall Street”. In January 1984 Pedersen began working as a clerk, Earning 120 Doll. in Week. She has worked for several companies, before settling in “Spear Leeds Kellogg / Investor Company” as a secretary of traders. When traders went for a smoke break, she briefly replaced them. It was the world, full of obscene language and vulgar gestures. As Pedersen said: “Four years, three …

Laura Pedersen (Laura Pedersen) Read more

Results 24.11

Short in Europe, kept at the output of GDP, sorry that the third order for used :)

Second deal – sell in america, closed to zero.

Don't reduce the probability (about the percentage of successful traders)

“How many novice traders succeed?” – asks a potential trader from a group of hardened experts. “Of those 40 %, who will survive more than a year, only one or two percent will learn to consistently make a profit”, – answers the head of one of the largest brokerage companies. “Approximately five of 100 – in my experience”, – notes a leading trader of a large hedge fund. We at Innerworth discovered, what less 25 % hold out for at least six months. Looks like, many will agree with this: If you plan to engage exclusively in trading, probability against you. Here are some ways, by which newly converted traders can avoid common mistakes and conquer probability.

Trading Rules? Which rules?

Next time, when who – then tell you, that he can teach you the golden rules of trading, you can laugh in his face, as any other successful and experienced trader would do. Any really good trader knows, that there are no rules, related to trading. Your trading plan is closest to, which could even remotely resemble a set of rules, and you are its owner.

Risk can be predicted, but the reward defies forecasts.

Even if there is only one unshakable rule of trading, then it should be the following: – "Stick to your own stop orders". Before each entry into the auction, you must know your pain threshold.. This will allow you to always be confident., that you are in control of your losses and will not give in to emotions while trading.
Working in the field of trading is very hard – here much […]

Three myths about the psychology of trading

Brett N. Steenberger – Ph.D. and Professor of Psychiatry at the Medical University of Syracuse, PCS. New York. He is also an active trader and writes articles on market psychology.. book author «Psychology of trading» 2003G., Dr. Steenberger has published over 50 articles on short-term approaches to changing trader behavior.
«My job as a market psychologist allowed me to see those factors, That […]

Motivation to trade

Do you like the trading process?? Will you trade in that case?, if trade will provide you with only a living wage? Most successful traders will answer yes to this question.. Do you want to increase your motivation to trade?? You can take several steps in this direction.. First, always go your own way. Many people see life as a competitive struggle.. Although, maybe, it will give you pleasure to defeat their friend and feel superior, but you can never be the best. Often, your affairs will be worse, than others, and it will make you feel bad. Against, if you just believe, that you will succeed and just work on yourself, you will learn to think positively, and you will feel highly motivated to trade even after a series of failures.

How to control the situation in the market?

The need for control is the most important psychological aspect of profitable trading. Traders try to control the market, but, eventually, pony mayut, that they must accept their fate and establish control not over the market, but over emotions. When your money is at stake, it's hard to stay calm, diet and complete control of yourself. Do you want to win, so you have a strong desire, so that the price goes according to your predictions, however, you can almost never be sure of the outcome of a deal. A person has a desire to completely control his own destiny., however this is not possible. Instead, the trader must come to terms with the, that the market will go there, where will he go, and try to control your impulses and emotions, instead of, to play impulsively against the market with feelings of anger and frustration.

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