trading style

Scalper: trading style

The team updates our trading style guides, to reflect current market conditions. Almost every experienced trader, who I've talked to, talked about the impact of high-frequency trading and black-box trading on the market. Some were unable to adapt and were forced out of business. From my point of view, Alternatives continue to exist in abundance, But people have to adapt their style, to reflect the new conditions.

Own trading strategy

I found an interesting article in Forex Magazine. У каждого трейдера рано или поздно возникает вопрос в создании собственной торговой стратегии. Someone uses ready-made strategies, but someone else's trading strategy may not be suitable for someone. It is then that the search for your own style begins., Your “грааля”.
And here is the article itself:
There are many great trading strategies, and buying books or visiting […]

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