We are looking for traders
We – Students
a team of traders of five people to trade together and develop many times faster.
There are already three of us, need two more people.
Primary requirements:
work experience – at least a little self-control
head on shoulders
ability and desire to work one hundred percent
desire to work in a team
If you are new – we insist on tough risk management.
We have a clear development program developed by our broker and Alexander Mikhailovich.
Successful traders can trade as they like.
If you want to work with us, what is required of you:
your computer your desk and chair
6000 rubles for technical needs (the Internet, rent)
The office is located five minutes from the Belorusskaya metro station in a guarded building.
There is a dining room, there is, parking lot.
The office also has all the amenities (restroom, shower) .
Room area – 20 square meters.
Contacts: Telephone:
8-926-302-46-75 Nikita
8-963-618-23-33 Denis
Skype: tita_smol – Denis
nzonine – Nikita
[email protected]
[email protected]