How to stop being lazy and become a plus trader

Tell about yourself, that you are lazy, is to find an excuse, to do nothing. “I would do X, but I don’t want something. What to do, I'm so lazy ". You might think, that laziness is an incurable disease, or character trait, programmed into your DNA. If you believe deep down, that it is impossible to get rid of laziness, it would be illogical to try to do anything about it. However, laziness is not a permanent character trait.. We must try to get rid of her, and this section will just help you with this. Laziness is an ability, which you learned (never mind, good or bad). You have become capable of doing something else.. Have learned to watch TV for a long time or sleep a lot, instead of, to get together and work harder on your trading strategy. Instead of learning to be productive, you have learned to be lazy - and you, presumably, it works great.