
10 of things, which a beginner trader should know

If you are going to trade the market, it is important to have comprehensive information, which will allow you to make an informed decision. It's complicated, but an interesting market segment, And, since it does not suit everyone, need to understand, what you're going for — and either change your mind, or strengthen your decision. so, what is important for a novice trader to know? 1. You won't become a millionaire in a year, And even in three years. Not worth going in this direction, if you want to get rich quickly , it's unrealistic. Firstly, too many factors affect the situation, which the trader cannot control. Secondly, traders, who come to the market for easy earnings, tend to make mistakes and fall into traps, which means, lose more, how to earn. If you are serious about your career as a trader, then you have to understand, how does this market work, and it takes hard work, patience and discipline. Any, who tells you otherwise, trying to sell you something.

US Stock Exchange Summer Group(NYSE, NASDAQ, AMEX)

Training Hello everyone, I haven't written or posted deals for a long time, because. was busy trading heavily through IB with access to all markets. I remembered a little how to trade futures on various instruments, but still, shares are dearer to me. All in all it was an interesting experience, but back to our shares. Now the season of reports has begun and after it I am ready to recruit. The group will be small and with new features. The more you trade and meet different traders, the more you discover new things. Already more 8 years have passed since I started trading, but I never cease to be amazed at the elementary things that come only with experience and awareness. Teaching

The start of training is postponed to January

Dear traders, If you have already enrolled in a US Stock Exchange trading course (NYSE, NASDAQ, AEMX ) or are planning to go through it remind you, that the start will be in JANUARY after the New Year holidays. Also in honor of the approaching New Year, extended tuition discounts. Teaching

Back to trading

Hello ! Haven't updated my blog for a long time because. I had a rest almost all summer, but now we return to trading with renewed vigor. I plan to make small adjustments in the number of days of market observation. Will go soon already 9 a year of my trading in US stocks and a little tired of sitting 5 and more days per PC. I will leave only Wednesday for trading, thursday and friday. And so briefly about the plans: Recover from vacation Trade 3 maximum days Training Start playing poker professionally, found friends who actively earn money Start traveling the world, after NG Blog more actively, how to do it before Spend more time with newcomers More time with your family Get your license Consider starting a business

How to increase your motivation to learn in trading

When it comes to improving your trading, many of us suffer from insufficient motivation. Extrinsic motivation in the form of money, certainly, will work, but only for a while. In this article, we will look at how to develop a constant source of intrinsic motivation., which will help you to better approach the study of trading.

Легендарные и самые богатые инвесторы мира

          Investment – This is one of the ways to multiply your finances and achieve financial independence. There are many legendary and successful investors in the world, who, with their actions and decisions, have left a huge mark on the world of finance. In this article, we will look at a few of these legendary and richest investors in the world, and also learn their secrets of success.

Individual coaching

There are a lot of trading strategies on the stock exchange, even more market analysis tools, therefore the goal of my individual coaching (training) is learning how to use my trading strategies, trading techniques and techniques. From stock selection and trading to statistics and analysis to improve your trading. For stable trading, I help the student to create his own trading system (strategy and tactics set) taking into account the personality of a particular trader, his character traits and level of emotions, way of life, employment and a number of other features. Unfortunately, training alone is not enough for most traders, they need constant supervision and mentoring, therefore, all those who have completed my group or individual training can sign up for coaching.

10 tips for success and efficiency for a trader

1) Learn and improve your knowledge: Choose this way of learning, which suits you perfectly: Watch more videos? Write down thoughts, analyzing trade often? Take an active part in forums? Trade very carefully and learn from other traders? A good start would be to take part in a discussion on some forum and study the training material there.. Choose the best and, immediately, start learning. Be persistent and stick to your schedule. Familiarize yourself with the related software and learn how to use it effectively. You want to be a confident earning trader? Your time = money. Spending time honing strategy = investing in future profits. Strive to get the most out of this investment. Try different things, find out, how it works, and use them in trading accordingly.

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