10 of things, which a beginner trader should know
If you are going to trade the market, it is important to have comprehensive information, which will allow you to make an informed decision. It's complicated, but an interesting market segment, And, since it does not suit everyone, need to understand, what you're going for — and either change your mind, or strengthen your decision. so, what is important for a novice trader to know? 1. You won't become a millionaire in a year, And even in three years. Not worth going in this direction, if you want to get rich quickly , it's unrealistic. Firstly, too many factors affect the situation, which the trader cannot control. Secondly, traders, who come to the market for easy earnings, tend to make mistakes and fall into traps, which means, lose more, how to earn. If you are serious about your career as a trader, then you have to understand, how does this market work, and it takes hard work, patience and discipline. Any, who tells you otherwise, trying to sell you something.