
NYSE day trading – seminar 27.02

Again, here's a clipping from the weekly workshop. – nyse day trading with analysis of my students' transactions.

okbm(“”,”NYSE day trading – workshop 27.02″)

Own trading strategy

I found an interesting article in Forex Magazine. У каждого трейдера рано или поздно возникает вопрос в создании собственной торговой стратегии. Someone uses ready-made strategies, but someone else's trading strategy may not be suitable for someone. It is then that the search for your own style begins., Your “грааля”.
And here is the article itself:
There are many great trading strategies, and buying books or visiting […]

Торговля акциями через интернет – seminar 20.02

Как всегда, we continue our weekly seminars online stock trading. Today is a clipping from the online seminar 20 February 2010 years with the analysis of student transactions.

okbm(“”,”Торговля акциями через интернет – семинар 20.02″)

Support and resistance levels (Pivot Points)

Support and resistance levels can also be determined by pivot levels (pivot points). These levels are also a very powerful tool in defining zones. “increased interest” from the side of bulls and bears.
Как рассчитываются уровни поддержки и сопротивления pivot points?
There are many options for calculating pivot levels. Но самый распространенный это стандартный метод расчета pivot points. The prices of the previous day are taken High, Low и Close. […]

Stock trading – seminar 13 February

Stock trading – a clipping from a weekly seminar analyzing student transactions.

okbm(“”,”Stock trading – seminar 13 February”)

Pin bar

I continue to provide material on price action. Today there will be a conversation about a pin bar.
A lot of material is given on examples of forex, but the very principle of trading these models is very successfully applied in stock trading.
Pin bar – basics
This is how it looks on the graph.:

Long nose (in this case the long upper shadow) pin bar indicates that the bulls were trying to push the price higher, […]

Support and resistance levels

Level, which the price cannot break up, называется уровень сопротивления (Resistance), and the level, который цена не может пробить вниз, называется уровень поддержки (Support).
Resistance level (resistance level)
This is nothing more than a psychological level, which a significant number of traders regard as a point, profitable in terms of sale. Such a unity of opinion among a large group of people leads to the fact, that when prices approach […]

Defining a trend

Identifying the trend and trading with the trend are key success factors in trading. This article will help you better identify the trend., understand its essence and possibilities of use.
Like a trader, you, probably, heard the old wisdom, what is better to trade in the direction of the trend. As they say: “trend – your friend“. This – wise advice, if you realize, that the trend might end. AND […]

Trader's way – stages of development

I consider it necessary for every trader to understand the stages of development, your path as a trader. This article will help you to understand and understand many points..
Like many other things in life – the trading experience goes through various necessary stages of development. This happens regardless, do we feel this process go no. Time, which we spend on […]

Free Demo Access to Ninja Trader

Free Demo Access to Ninja Trader In today's trading world, there are plenty of platforms to trade. However, one of the most prominent and reliable is Ninja Trader.. Introduction to Ninja Trader What is Ninja Trader? Ninja Trader – it is a trading platform, which provides users with tools for market analysis, developing strategies and conducting transactions. Why Ninja Trader is so popular? This is due to the user-friendly interface., powerful analysis tools and the ability to integrate with various brokers.

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