tax deduction

How to file a tax return for dividends on US stocks traded on the SPB exchange?

What taxes will you have to pay, investing in American stocks with investment income, including investments in foreign securities, usually, have to pay taxes. How much do individual investors from Russia lose in taxes, playing on American securities through Russian brokers? Income from investments in securities usually consists of two components - income from operations and fixed income (Dividends). The order of their taxation is different.

How mutual funds work

Few people know, how mutual funds work. People hear this abbreviation for the first time, When do you start investing. Banks and investment companies offer to invest in mutual funds, but no one explains, how investment funds are structured, who benefits and who manages them. I work for a management company, which invests money for fund shareholders. I'll tell, what are mutual funds, what are their advantages and what are the risks. But I'm a person in some way interested, so take my words with skepticism. The conversation will be long and rather boring.

IIS tax deduction 2021

IIS tax deduction 2021

What is a tax deduction for IIS 2021? Tax credit is a benefit, which allows you to exclude part of your income for a certain year from the tax base, that is, to exempt them from personal income tax at the rate 13%.

Instructions: how to pay taxes to a trader (3-Personal income tax declaration)

If you are actively trading, then you have a lot of deals. If you trade correctly, you make a profit. This means that we must pay tax from this profit.. When working through a Russian broker, you do not need to do anything (as a tax agent, he will pay everything for you). But when working through a foreign broker, the situation is different..

How the US tax reform will affect the stock markets

Donald Trump's tax reform could be a major event for global markets. How it will affect the American economy and what an investor can expect from it? Investors from all over the world are following the development of the situation with the American tax reform, conceived by US President Donald Trump, holding breath. This is not surprising.: because it can change the conditions for doing business in the largest economy in the world and bring increased dividends to shareholders. The reform involves a general reduction in the tax burden for companies of any level. Its implementation should encourage local corporations to increase investment., and transnational American giants - to increase investments in existing businesses in the United States, including by repatriation of profits or some part of it.

Taxes on investments

so, consider some popular types of investments and then, what taxes are they taxed for Russian tax residents. Recall, a person is considered a tax resident of the Russian Federation, which conducts at least 183 days a year. Securities

mutual fund – Mutual Fund

mutual fund (Mutual Fund) Is a form of collective investment, allowing investors (to shareholders) acquire a share (share) fund, thereby gaining access to his portfolio of assets. Simplified: mutual funds are the western counterpart of Russian mutual funds (mutual funds). How a mutual fund works looks like this. Investment company, establishing a mutual fund, sells shares to investors, and invests the funds received in a portfolio of securities. The choice of assets is determined by the investment objectives of the fund. In general, mutual funds (mutual fund) open-ended funds are called (open-end funds). They have a large number of lobes, freely traded on the market. When an investor buys a share in a fund, he buys it from the fund itself, and when he sells this share, it also sells it to the foundation itself. In case of sale, the fund must pay him with money, reducing, thereby, its net assets. Sometimes a mutual fund can close itself to new investors, while existing shareholders can continue to buy new shares.

Fundamental analysis of the company

Analysis of reporting documents B 1934 year due to the incomparability of financial statements and for a number of other reasons, the US Congress created the Securities and Exchange Commission (Securities and Exchange Commission – SEC). The Commission was empowered to regulate the activities of all companies, issuing securities to the market. One of the main goals of the SEC is to ensure the accuracy of financial information in the reports published by the firm.. To achieve this goal, Generally Accepted Accounting Principles have been developed. (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles – GAAP). One of the main goals of GAAP is to provide such a financial reporting structure., which allows you to compare the documentation of different companies.

What will happen to American tech companies under Trump?

US President-elect Donald Trump can hardly be called technically advanced. He does not use mail, according to his campaign speeches, then he doesn't even have a mobile phone. From a speech on CNN it follows, that he personally does not write posts on Twitter, dictating the text “one of the adorable young assistants”. But, in spite of this, his decisions can somehow change the life of tech companies, and consequently, and all those, who uses the services, The issue of high-tech development in pre-election speeches was touched upon very little., but the Republican touched on some topics from time to time, thanks to which we can assume, what awaits the American high-tech sector under Trump.

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