
About personal growth and faith.

Friends have a friend, conducts trainings and seminars on success, personal growth, and constantly asks them for money to borrow. In my opinion, very eloquent for our time. Financially, people began to live better, and the indicator of personal satisfaction and happiness, perhaps, at an even lower level, than some years ago, therefore the topic is in demand. For sure, many have friends, attending psycho-trainings and seminars. Was there a real result over time? Probably, Short, sectarian euphoria, and then everything returned to normal, maybe aggravated by depression. By the way, I do not deny most of the techniques, Convinced, what do they work, with the right approach, read and listened to dozens of courses, and now I'm interested. Here comes such a cunning and little-studied mechanism as faith., conviction. If Jose Silva became a dollar multimillionaire (although he had a chance, possibly one of 10 000 000, started very low) even before, how did you start promoting your method, and the courses were attended by very famous and influential people, He speaks, that the technique works. Curious of course, would they be, who have become, if not for studying the technique. In the same time, you will not look at other seminary followers without tears – spectacles, overweight, bad teeth, tobacco addiction… That does not fit with me “enlightenment with torn pants” and all here. But that doesn't speak of a way, but only about a specific person. In LJ-ke, in connection with religious holidays, several holivars observed on the topic of atheism-religion, creationism-Darwinism and so on. As always, accents are put in the wrong place, teenage skirmish “tru”-“not tru”, some children's arguments, in the same vein, as the example given. The image of a specific follower of the cult does not mean anything yet.. What about outside support, by Silva, I have had different cases in my life, when money, say, stayed for a few days, there was no work, and she has no place to come from, I didn’t look for her, stupidly sat and waited, and then p-p-times, phone call – new order, or one of the partners decided to pay you a debt a hundred years ago, on their own initiative, or met the right person… All this is interesting.

Merry Christmas!

Was in church yesterday. Already at night. We have directly opposite the office. I have never entered it, and here, felt some need. Will not push inside, full of people. Went outside, lit candles, and put in the snow, next to several already burning, near the puppet scene of the birth of Christ. Who cares, Where is… Funny toddler ran up: “How beautiful!”. Really, beautiful, and calm down, peacefully on the soul, although all day I was tormented by some doubts, thoughts weighed down.
I noticed a trend in myself (and several friends raised this topic), that I want to do a lot, to tell, change, feel. So that you don't have to regret the life you have lived, like a bunch of missed opportunities. How often it happens, you just need to take a step, lend a hand, say a few words… Time is running out.

Another commonplace…

It is very difficult to survive someone else's success.. It's easier for us, it is more convenient and pleasant to think, that this is some kind of catch, or cheating. Or there must have been a powerful background. Well, it can't be like this, from scratch…
When a person fails, writes about her – a bunch of comforters appear. But with victories, sincerely, rarely congratulate. Dr. Martha, By the way, +100 for a competent provocation.

Tell me…

… and you are not sick of general pessimism? Open your LJ now and re-read the posts, what is the impression? depression? Or do you want to live?(By the way, I removed my last ones, IMHO, they were not constructive, underwent general mood, and this is a delicate matter). Two trends can be traced. Or majeure rose-colored glasses, a la March / Verbitsky (but it's better this way), or total .. here and everything is in black. But objectivity is not enough.

A case from the life of a trader.

By the way, in that “произведении”, the essence of some Russian stock speculators is very well reflected. Grab money at someone else's expense (because they themselves cannot and do not have anything), on the growth of shares of a Russian company, and get out of “fucking rashka”.

The driving force behind evolution.

Перед смертью, философ Эпикур, попросил наполнить ванну, и пренести вина

Вы наверняка задумывались, для чего Природе, или Всевышнему, потребовалось создать механизм смерти. Это же так несправедливо, по отношению к отдельному индивиду. Вот этот, исправно работающий комплекс клеток, органов, химических реакций, инстинктов и эмоций, возможно даже мыслей и души, и вдруг хлопи пугающая неизвестность. Что мешало создать механизм бессмертия? Surprisingly, эволюционная идея. Ограниченность нашего пребывания в этом мире, является самым эффективным способом развития. Обновление поколений способствует более быстрому приобретению новых изменений и навыков. Not a secret, что зажатый во временных рамках человек, справляется с задачей быстрее, рациональнее используя свое время. State, достигавшие наибольшего величия в истории, были не слишком гуманны, к отдельным гражданам, когда же начиналось почивание на лаврах, расплата не заставляла себя ждать. Потерявший идеи и мотивации человек очень скоро покидает этот мир, возможно для перезагрузки, maybe, forever and ever. Боязньне успетьподстегивает. Когда впереди вечность, sure, большинство из нас превратилось бы в покрытый плесенью валун. They will object to me, что потребление, entertainment, это тоже жизньне убедительно, Honestly. Есть хорошее выражение: “It is impossible to tell “Yes” future, не сказав “Not” past”. Новые идеи обретали свободу, со сменой поколений. Если в повседневной жизни что-то идет не так, ponder, вероятно прошлое глубоко поросло корнями. Мы стали рабом привычек и убеждений. All this, как навешенные на шею камни. Maybe, нужно провести ритуал жертвоприношения старых стереотипов, освободив место более прогрессивному?


After several weeks of testing the trading system on different currency pairs, RTS futures looks crystal clear, like a teardrop of a child. 15-minute timeframe – ideal for intraday trading, or with transfer overnight. It is enough to watch the history of three days. 5-minutes – sax, a lot of noise. Watches – brake, though, in forex, surprisingly, they gave the best result.

Who needs it?…

Interesting, euro immediately to 1.33 will go away, or take a break? It used to be a pleasure to trade the Eurodollar – normal kickbacks, Right away – rocket. And the best feature of the Soviet Union, maybe, soon after 80 We'll see, so, who took on 100, obviously got excited, The money, apparently, pocket burned. But this is all the prose of life. What i wanted to say, this is the current year, not the best in terms of trade, Furthermore, the most frail, in my memory. No volatility, movements, stretched out like a string. Why?, and who needs it? Feeling, that only large players and robots remained on the market, and drive the index up / down on one, then on another idea. But what is the wiring, and? Main, that one trick both times, worked with success.

In the form of a farce.

When S&P500 went above the mark again 1150, scattering hopes for a quick correction, I thought: “Well, you can't copy the script with such precision., will someone fall for this trick again?” While the whole structure of movement is repeated one to one, down to the shape of the candles, смотрите сами:

Then, too, they grew up ignoring the negative, first at the end of the quarter, Then, awaiting reports. Showman Kramer on the market highs: “Buy, Doe went 12000”, strikes in Greece, Roma's call to the Black Lord…
… waiting for the second wave of the crisis ….
See, will there be a 2-week drop, leveling almost quarterly ascent to the top.


How is the classic? “Over the years I began to notice, how much smarter my father is”?
This is what I mean, what do you notice over time, how Demur has noticeably grown wiser.

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