
Rise in the price of Ethereum to 2000$ reached an 11-month high

Ethereum price hits 11-month high, as ETH rates exceed withdrawals. The price of Ethereum has overcome key resistance at the level 2000 dollars after, how the capitalization of the crypto market began to grow to the level 1,3 trillion dollars. Experts predict an increase in prices for Ethereum in the range from 2400 to 2800 Dollars.

Investors are running for gold. What to do?

As global tensions rise and signs of a slowdown in economic growth, more and more investors are turning to gold. Global Assets of ETF Funds, backed by ingots, Grow 17 consecutive days – this is the longest inflow period since 2009 of the year.

What is split (splitting up) Shares

What is split (splitting up) Shares

Share split - a method of attracting additional investors by deliberately lowering the market price of a share and proportionally increasing the number of shares in circulation. Share splits or share splits are used by joint stock companies to, to make the stock more attractive to private investors. But companies don't do this with advertising., and by artificially lowering the market price.

Легендарные и самые богатые инвесторы мира

          Investment – This is one of the ways to multiply your finances and achieve financial independence. There are many legendary and successful investors in the world, who, with their actions and decisions, have left a huge mark on the world of finance. In this article, we will look at a few of these legendary and richest investors in the world, and also learn their secrets of success.

Twitter: Twitter investors rushed

On Friday, shares of a bankrupt Boston retailer, liquidated back in 2008 year, took off on 1800%, with less 1 cent per share to 15 cents due to confusion over Twitter's IPO announcement. Boston Tweeter shares traded under the symbol TWTRQ, but in Google Finance they appear as "TWTR Inc". Twitter announced, that their symbol would be TWTR, some investors rashly began to buy TWTRQ until FINRA stopped trading on Tweeter at about 684% growth "due to significant uncertainty".

Risk predisposition

What kind of job would you like more: and, on which they pay a stable small salary or that, not to which the salary is high, but unstable? The answer to this question will allow you to determine your preferences and risk tolerance.. Most practicing short-term traders would like to give up security and stability in favor of higher wages.. Compared to conventional professions, short-term trading is very risky.. In this way, if you don't learn to tolerate risk, you will feel too much excitement and anxiety when trading.

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