
Stock symbol or ticker, what it is ?

Символ акции или тикер — это короткая аббревиатура, used to uniquely identify publicly traded shares of a particular stock on a particular stock market. The stock symbol may consist of letters, numbers or combinations thereof. "Ticker symbol" refers to the symbols, which were printed on the ticker tape of the ticker tape device. История фондовых символов США В Соединенных Штатах современные тикеры, consisting only of letters, were developed by the Standard agency & Poor’s (S&P), to introduce a national investment standard. Previously, one company could have many different tickers, as they varied across dozens of individual stock markets. Термин «тикер» относится к шуму, published by ticker tape machines, which were once widely used on stock exchanges. System S&P was later standardized in the securities industry and modified over time. Preferred stock symbols are not standardized. Примеры фондовых символов США А – Аджилент Технологии C – Ситигруп БАК – Банк Америки BRK.B – Berkshire Hathaway (class B shares) КО – Компания Кока-Кола HNZ – Компания HJ Heinz МСФТ – Майкрософт ВАГ – Уолгринс ТГТ – Целевая корпорация WMT – Уол-Март MMM – 3M Company HPQ – Хьюлетт-Паккард ИНТЦ – Интел TXN — Техасские инструменты Раньше взгляд на символ акций США и прилагаемые к нему коды позволял инвестору определить, Where the shares are traded; However, in July 2007 The SEC Approved the Rule Change, позволяющее

Stock symbol or ticker, what it is ? Read more

FCX : Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Inc

FCX : Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Inc Sector: Basic Materials > Industry: Gold and Silver Медь Freeport-McMoran & Gold Inc.. (FCX), through his wholly owned subsidiary, Phelps Dodge Corporation (Phelps trick) are copper, gold and molybdenum mining company. The Company's portfolio of holdings includes the Grasberg Mineral Region in Indonesia, which contains the only recoverable copper reserve and the only gold reserve of any deposit; significant production in North America and South America, and Tenke Fungurume working project in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).

Trade 20 July

While my business is not going well, on this I will work more and return to the analysis of my transactions, especially unsuccessful. When things went uphill, I stopped spending time analyzing the transactions, why do this if everything goes well and I thought so perfectly, now you have to pay for it . I could not notice the reason for the deterioration in trading in time, Of course, I knew that summer would come and the activity in the market would decline, But he stubbornly did not want to adapt to the new market. While my business is not going well, по этому буду больше работать и вернусь к разбору своих сделок, especially unsuccessful. Когда дела полетели в горку я перестал уделять время разбору проведенных сделок, why do this if everything goes well and I thought so perfectly, now you have to pay for it . I could not notice the reason for the deterioration in trading in time, Of course, I knew that summer would come and the activity in the market would decline, But he stubbornly did not want to adapt to the new market. TC : Thompson Creek Metals Company Sector: Basic Materials > Industry: Metal Mining Has Been Buying From the Very Opening, the share has been bought for several days, she opened above her high which was still installed 11 July and could go further up the whole day, but in fact it went only 30C up and then nowhere …

Trade 20 July Read more

New York Stock Exchange Investors and Traders Club

Created a new LJ community for people associated with the New York Stock Exchange to share their trading experience on it, ideas and news. Anyone can write their material in it, ask a question of interest and find an answer to it. We no longer have to search for information all over the Internet, everything you need to trade on the stock exchange will be in 1 place . The group is brand new, I'm waiting for new active participants and a little PR from you, but most importantly active discussion of new topics and issues. New York Stock Exchange Investors and Traders Club

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